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Topic: incorrect layout (Read 2759 times) previous topic - next topic

incorrect layout

In a created song some lyrics are printed wrong.
<Image Link>
What can I do to fix this problem?

Guido van Harten

Re: incorrect layout

Reply #1
In a created song some lyrics are printed wrong.
<Image Link>
What can I do to fix this problem?

Guido van Harten
There is a joke that goes something like this:

Patient: Doc, it hurts when I do this: (patient makes a particular motion)
Doctor: Well then, don't do that!

When you enter notes and lyrics into NWC, it will add space between the notes when particular lyric syllables are longer, so that the text remains readable.  However, as you have shown, inserting a spacer between two notes, which overrides NWC's automatic spacing, can also be used to bring notes closer together. Doing this also overrides the automatic lyric spacing, because you told it you want those notes closer today, and it is obeying your command. This is made worse in your example because of the small notes and the correspondingly large lyric font. (Incidentally, what notation typeface are you using, which has those round noteheads?)

If you really need the notes that close together, there are a few options:
  • Add one or more underscores to the end of the first note's word/syllable, and to the beginning of the second note's word/syllable. This might not work for your example, because then they will run into the adjacent lyrics.
  • Put the word/syllable for the first note on the existing lyric line, and add a 2nd lyric line below with just the second note's word/syllable. (or add the second word via a text object)
  • Try a smaller lyric font size, or a larger notation font size

But my best advice would be to increase the spacing between the two notes, or, in the above doctor's advice, "don't do that!" :)

Re: incorrect layout

Reply #2
 (Incidentally, what notation typeface are you using, which has those round noteheads?)
Hi Mike, that looks like my NWC2HiVisLP font.  It was an extension of my MusikDingsSans suite specifically developed for vision impaired users.

It came about after a user had asked for help producing large works for her husband to read from a large format TV.  Apparently his vision had become severely impaired and the wife would transcribe for him using NWC.  I developed the font but the user asking for help disappeared from the forum so I never found out if it was successful in helping the husband.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: incorrect layout

Reply #3
What can I do to fix this problem?
It would help if you would re-state the problem. So far, I can get this much from the image:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|BoundaryBottom:16
|Lyrics|Align:Standard Rules
|Lyric1|Text:"de duxxxi yyyyyel al-le\n"
At a minimum, the correct lyric would help.

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