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Topic: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc. (Read 3696 times) previous topic - next topic

Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

I have spent a lot of time tweaking and searching for solutions, but to no avail, despite the fact related questions have been raised before.

I need to make the piano sound (a lot) softer.  However, the only noticeable effect, when using the Style and Velocity functions in Insert > Dynamic, or using the Expression function in MPC, is changes in volume. Nothing else!

Is there some “secret” procedure I need to know about to make it work :-), is there other ways to achieve a softer play, or is the problem that the MIDI synth I have does not support these features?

I’m using a Win 10 computer with GS Wavetable Synth and NWC 2.75a.2.

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #1
Not sure what you mean by "softer"

Strictly speaking, Volume affects, well, volume... and Velocity affects the attack - reducing the velocity will reduce the attack, or start, of the note.  On a real piano this will result in a less harsh and not as loud note being produced, as if you pressed the piano key lightly instead of striking it hard.  Is this what you mean by "softer" reducing the harshness and volume of the sound?

The M$ synth (GS Wavetable) is a very old sound set M$ licensed from Roland back in the Win3.1 days - IMHO it's not much good really and I suggest you look into alternative synths and sound sets/wavetables if you are serious about wanting good sound.

There are threads on this site (search for VST and synth), and articles on the NWC Scriptorium about using VST with NWC:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #2
When on a staff, press F2 to open Staff Properties.  Next select the Instrument tab, and adjust the dynamic settings. 

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #3
Lawrie was being delicate. The GS Wavetable synth is crap. You'll never get it to sound good. Check into an alternate softsynth - there are many out there, and some of the better ones are freeware. I use SyFonOne, mostly because it was the first one I found and I've not had a problem with it. Others have different favorites. You have to install a GM (general MIDI) sound font to go with it: most people consider FluidR3 the best of the free ones.

If you have the current NWC Viewer installed, you probably have FluidR3 on your system and can use it to play your NWC files through the Viewer. You might check that out. But you'll still need an aftermarket synth to use it with the NWC editor.

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #4
If you reduce the volume or the "expression" of a part (channel) you just get a lower volume.
If you reduce the key velocity (a thing you can do in various modes, but probably the simplest is to use a dynamic style), then maybe, if your synth is sophisticated enough and your soundfont has multiple samples per note, changing the velocity can change the tone (the timbre) too in a way similar to the real instrument.
This is more frequently the case for the piano voice, but in the best cases it's possible also for other intrument voices.


Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #5
Thank you for the replies.

As indicated in my initial post, I know and I have tried all the available options in NWC, but, as I also stated, the only noticeable difference is volume change. The velocity is just as forceful. That can easily be confirmed by compensatory increase of the volume on the external amplifier.

Since the MIDI standard supposedly supports both velocity and aftertouch, at least on paper, and since my attempts at adjusting velocity in NWC was not working, other than reducing volume, I was wondering if there was other tricks of the trade I could learn.
From what I received of replies, the problem might be limitations of the GS Wavetable Synth, ie. that it is outdated.  In that respect, the information referred to in Scriptorium also seem a bit “mature” (from +/- 2012).

I have downloaded and will try out VirtualMIDISynth as well as FluidRT GM.  As far as I understand, VirtualMIDISynth only works with SF2, not SFZ.

I have been told that SFZ offers significantly better sound quality than SF2.  If that is the case, recommendations for suitable synths will be appreciated. 

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #6
my attempts at adjusting velocity in NWC was not working,
If you want to cut the velocity in half, use:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
You must add a Dynamic after the instrument change for the new velocity map to take effect.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Dynamic, Velocity, Expression etc.

Reply #7
Alternately, I think you can simply enter a custom velocity for the dynamic that you insert in the staff.