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Topic: Fake master repeat open (Read 6583 times) previous topic - next topic

Fake master repeat open

I have a piece with a complicated flow. Something like: AABACCDDA.
I can get this flow using the special endings and faking the "D.C. al fine" (that in reality is "D.C. al fine, poi segue"), but the master repeat open present in the score disrupt the flow.
I tried "encapsulating" them with an unused special ending (7 or also n+1, with n the last used) with no avail.
How can I have fake master repeat open visual only? Or, better, a way to have NWC ignoring them?


Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #1
An easy way to do a fake (visual only) Master Repeat is with a Section Open/Close bar:  insert it and add a text with " : ".
In the example I used a symbol present in default font "Staff Symbols - NWC2STDA".

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"  "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"  "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote

Hope it helps you  ;)
[...] y el mayor bien es pequeño: que toda la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #2
Sorry but no.
The section open has the same effect (in this case) of a master repeat open.
Thank you for trying, Lloyd.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #3
Uhmmm.... ook ook  ::)
The attached file is another way to "draw" it. It's really ugly and very unconfortable to do (and also I don't know how it will be drawn at the end, when printed...), but it's a quick solution without coding a new User Object (which would be a real solution for the problem).

Maybe using Markup.rg User Object you could achieve your purpose too... just try both and choose  :))

Hope this time it helps you  :P .
[...] y el mayor bien es pequeño: que toda la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #4
This issue seems to come up a lot - that is, the fact that certain types of bar lines have special significance to flow control/direction during playback. It makes sense that certain ones (e.g. master and local repeat) would do this, but the behavior of the double bar line and section open/close during playback have caused me confusion. Sometimes I want to use certain types of bar lines to duplicate the appearance of an existing printed score, and I'd also like the score to be able to play back correctly, for rehearsal purposes.

Perhaps this has already been suggested in the past, but it would seem to be a useful feature if there could be an additional Boolean property for bar lines, called something like "Ignore flow behavior". If the setting was "off", the bars would behave the way they do now. If it was "on", the bars would have the same playback behavior as a single bar line (i.e. nothing at all).

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #5
Totally agree!!
[...] y el mayor bien es pequeño: que toda la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #6
Lloyd, no doubt, you're an artist!  :))
Not the best solution in the world but a solution.
Thank you!

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #7
I have a piece with a complicated flow. Something like: AABACCDDA.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
Registered user since 1996

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #8
I support Mike's suggestion.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #9
Perfect, Rick!
The first part (AABA) and the last (DDA) is exactly as I did.
But I made the central part too complicated, hence my problem. A simple regular repeat can do the job.
Thank you very much.

Nevertheless, the handling of the decorated bars with the special endings is not always intuitive.

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #10
Nevertheless, the handling of the decorated bars with the special endings is not always intuitive.
I agree. For really complex flows, I put a hidden Master Repeat Close at the end and use hidden Special Endings to manage the flow. I put the barlines I need on unplayable layers.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #11
I hear that confession is good for the soul.

I confess that I’ve never got the hang of the different types of repeats and the different endings. I know how to make it look correct but I know when I do it, that  the playback won’t work correctly. It’s on my list of things to conquer in 2018. But maybe there is an inherent issue with the software options?

Re: Fake master repeat open

Reply #12
For what it's worth, I almost never use the local repeat.  In fact, I never use it on a printed sheet at all.

For playback NWC follows classical rules of music where a "Master" repeat is ignored after a DC or DS.  This is often incorrect for jazz and contemporary music but really isn't that big a deal unless you really need correct playback.  I rarely need need this as my scores are prepared for playing by musicians, not machine.

The "Master" repeat bar line pair along with "Special endings" work, with the above caveat, just as if you were playing the chart yourself.  If it looks right it'll probably be right - the only other real points to be considered are:
a) a special ending is always terminated by a double bar, a section close, a section open or a master repeat open or close.

b) the "D"efault ending type is used to indicate which special ending to use after a repeat section is encountered after a DC or DS is performed.  Any other endings and repeats (excluding "local repeats") are ignored.

c) the repeat mechanism resets to normal when a "To Coda" is performed.

Hope that helps.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.