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Topic: Rinforzando? (Read 3275 times) previous topic - next topic


Not really!
I just discovered that "rinforzando" does... nothing.
I expected it doing the same as "crescendo".
The workaround is very simple: just add a hidden crescendo, but why is it needed?

Re: Rinforzando?

Reply #1
The workaround is very simple: just add a hidden crescendo, but why is it needed?
I don't know what you are trying to work around with that advice; in performance, rfz is not the same as cresc.

As NoteWorthy Dynamic Variances: Crescendo, Decescendo and Diminuendo all do the same thing.
Rinforzando and Sforzando do nothing. It is useful to have at least one Dynamic Variance that does nothing.
NoteWorthy looks back to the Staff Position of the last Dynamic or Dynamic Variance to position hairpins.
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Re: Rinforzando?

Reply #2
Rinforzando: In musica, indicazione dinamica (abbreviata in rinf., rf., rfz., rinforz.) che prescrive un progressivo e rapido aumento di intensità sonora nel corso di una frase, senza alterarne il ritmo e a fini espressivi.
"Rinforzando: In music, dynamic indication (abbreviated as rinf., rf., rfz., rinforz.) that requires a progressive and rapid rise of sound intensity in a phrase, without altering its rhithm but for expression."

N.B. Verbatim: strengthening.

It is useful to have at least one Dynamic Variance that does nothing.
Yes, but not this one!