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Topic: Tools to get a staff and paste a staff to a song (Read 8073 times) previous topic - next topic

Tools to get a staff and paste a staff to a song

The attached User Tool: rg_getStaff.vbs will get the current staff and return it to the STDOUT window as a report.
From there, a user can select it and copy it to the Clipboard. The staff can then be pasted as a New File, to an editor, or added to a song with The User Tool: rg_pasteStaff.vbs

If the script is placed in the Scripts folder (remove .txt), the command is:
Code: [Select · Download]
CScript //nologo Scripts\rg_getStaff.vbs
Input Type is: File text

The attached User Tool: rg_pasteStaff.vbs will paste a staff from the Clipboard.
The Clipboard must contain at least one line that begins with:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
The staff (or staves) are inserted above the current staff.
StaffProperties, a StaffInstrument, Lyrics, and staff objects are supported.

If the script is placed in the Scripts folder (remove .txt), the command is:
Code: [Select · Download]
CScript //nologo Scripts\rg_pasteStaff.vbs
Input Type is: File text
Required Option is: Returns File Text
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