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Topic: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10 (Read 3396 times) previous topic - next topic

Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

In my NWC version 2.75a Beta 10 (mhm ... I might not have a really good version ...), pressing Ctrl-P for printing sometimes(!) marks the file with the little asterisk for "changed".
Selecting File->Print does not do this, and the asterisk cannot be removed with Ctrl-Z, and there is also no save confirmation when closing the file.
I just record this in case it is still there in newer versions.
I have attached a score where this happens.


Re: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

Reply #1
Perhaps related to this, if you open a score and change only the zoom factor, it also marks the file as changed. In that case, it will prompt me to save the changed file when I close it.  I don't think this is unique to any specific beta.

Re: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

Reply #2
Changing the zoom factor is indeed a change. Next time you open the file, it will open with the new zoom factor.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

Reply #3
I've often wondered why the zoom factor is stored as a file change. When I usually see this come up, it's because I've shrunk the view down to fit a multi-staff file vertically on my screen to watch the playback, and then started to close out without changing the zoom factor back. When working on files, I almost always use the same zoom (4=133%) whatever the file, because the note size and number of measures per screen is comfortable for me at that setting. So having the program save a zoom made temporarily for a specific reason unrelated to my usual workflow is an irritation, not a feature.

Re: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

Reply #4
When working on files, I almost always use the same zoom (4=133%) whatever the file, because the note size and number of measures per screen is comfortable for me at that setting.
I do not. IMO, the zoom factor should be stored in the file.
It might be useful if NWC did not flag the zoom as a file change, but since it is a file change, this would look like an inconsistency (or even a bug.)
It is convienient Ctrl+Z will undo it.
A possible solution might be for NWC's Save Prompt to say: "Only the Zoom has changed." This would allow the user to make a more intelligent decision.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Tiny bug with Ctrl-P in (my older) 2.75a Beta 10

Reply #5
How about a check box that asked "Save the zoom change?" in every "Save" prompt? If that box was unchecked, and the zoom change was the only change that had been made, the program could exit without saving; if it was unchecked but other changes had been made, the other changes could still be saved; if it was checked, the program could do a standard save, including (or only) the zoom change. Perhaps the editor options could include whether or not the box should be checked by default.