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Topic: Print Preview tip (Read 3556 times) previous topic - next topic

Print Preview tip

There have been a few complaints about various aspects of the Print Preview function, all of which can be worked around using Ghostscript/GSview. Set up a "virtual PostScript printer" (e.g. Applewriter), connected to FILE. Make this your default printer before entering NWC. When you want to check your printed output, use PRINT to create a PostScript file e.g. C:\TEST.PS. Bring up GSview and open the file, you can now Goto any page, change resolution and page width, etc. Use ALT-TAB to switch between GSview and NWC at will, make changes and re-"print", toggle back to GSview and hit R (redisplay) to view the modified file. (GSview is smart enough to know if another app -- i.e. NWC -- has made changes to the file.) Sounds time-consuming, but it's really not... especially on large scores, where you want to see the preview of pages towards the end.

Re: Print Preview tip

Reply #1
this kind of always-the-same keys sequence seems to be a good candidate for macro recorder :-)
Surely works with Lose3.*, wonder about Lose98%...
Thx for the tip, Fred!

Note: it is possible, with Win3.*, to create a specific configuration to always write to the same file (i.e. the "File:" port is always redirected to a predefined file). couldn't find out how to make this under Win9*?!


Re: Print Preview tip

Reply #2
The simple step of having Print Preview jump to the page that was being viewed in the score would be a big help.

So where does one obtain Ghostscript?

Re: Print Preview tip

Reply #4
Haven't anyone noticed another little design flaw in the print preview? When you zoom the preview it always takes you to the upper left corner! Please let it center to the magnifier!