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Topic: ties and slurs (Read 2822 times) previous topic - next topic

ties and slurs

I've been using NW for over two years, but I've started down a new path.... I am trying to use NW to create quartet sheet music, but there are two things causing difficulty:

When I slur a two-note chord I would like the slur mark to apear both above and below the chord. For instance - treble cleff a/c slur to f/e: I'd like slurs showing both the upward and downward movement. Is this possible? Ties seem to handle this just fine.

My second question is about lyrics. NW does not seem to handle multiple endings to a repeated section. When I define two lyric lines, the second keeps right on displaying into the first ending. I have to '_' space through it until I arrive at the second ending. And when I want to contue with the bride lyrics after the multiple endings, I have to add to the end of one of the lyric lines and space through until I get to the proper measures. If I alter those spaced measures then my lyrics get scrambled.

Am I doing something wrong? This seems more difficult than is needed - something I have come NOT to expect from NW. If anyone is listeneing at NWA Inc... lyrics should be defined for a section of music at a time. things before and after that section in the score should not affect the relationship between the lyrics and the score.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: ties and slurs

Reply #1
You can get two slurs by using of staff layering. Unfortunately, the slurs are always placed relative to the note head, so you may not get the effect that you want. You can change the stem direction of the (I believe) first note to change where the slur goes.

A simple thing to wish ( for is the ability to edit the placement of the slur (above/below). This would give you what you need.

Re: ties and slurs

Reply #2
Yup, I have discovered the same problem, and tried reversing the orientation of the first notes so that the slurs/ties would look right. Now the notes are oriented wrong. It is an unfortunate consequence of how the software is written, so I have added what I believe is a really important feature to the wish list.
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