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Topic: Transposing (Read 2521 times) previous topic - next topic


I am arranging a peice for a braas band, and Iam using Noteweothy to do so.

The whole band play b flat instruments except:

Soprano Cornet
Tenor Horn
E flat Bass

The three instruments above are all in e flat.

I have tried to compose so they are in the same key as the b flats by taking it down a fifth. It doesn't seem to be working , Am i doing something wrong. I also tried taking it upa fourth but this did help either.

The peice is in a really annoying key of D flat major.

Please help.!!

Re: Transposing

Reply #1
If you search using keyword "transpose" or "transposition" you'll find this topic is recurrent. Handling this problem is one of NWC's more elegant features.
Assuming you have a piece of sheet music in hand which was written for a Bb instrument-
Enter the piece exactly as written key signatures et al.
If you print and have a Bb musician play the printed score or have the musician play along from the screen you will find that the musician and the computer will be playing two semitones apart plus or minus 0, 12, 24, etc, semitones as octave differences.
Staff\Staff Properties\Midi\Transposition -2 will change the pitch the computer plays without changing the visible notes. +10, -14, +22, are also available for octave changes.
You should now have one Bb staff that the musician and the computer can play in unison.
Staff\New Staff
Select the staff with the Bb part. (click on it)
Select the new staff.
You should now have two copies of the Bb Part.
Tools\Transpose Staff\+7 semitones{leave the checkmark}
A part which the Eb instrument can play in unison with the Bb and the computer will result unless an octave difference exists. The key will have changed automatically. Tools\Transpose Staff\+12 or -12{box checked} can be used to move the Eb instrument up or down an octave in its range.
Search "enharmonic" spelling when you find you don't like the key the program selcted.
Good luck, benevenuto.