NRPNs in NWC 2.75 Beta
I posed a question to Noteworthy support whether NRPNs would be supported in the new version of NWC and got a reply from Beth at Noteworthy that, yes they are included and that I should download the beta version.
I did so, but I, for the life of me, can not find any command, dialog box, drop down, or other feature that allows me to insert a nerpin. Does anyone have an idea where I should start? I'm not a NWC techie like a lot of you and need an "idiots guide to Noteworthy" Note that the beta version has no references in the user manual about NRPNs or RPNs or any insertion points for organ stops.
I posed this question several years back and someone suggested I look into instrument trees. The organ we use doesn't really accommodate that facility. I can set pistons by sending standard instrument patches on a special channel, but as for individual stops, I had to await this new version. I'm really looking forward to doing some registration and voicing if I can ever figure out now to do it!
Thanks in advance if anyone here has any information or expertise in this area.