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Topic: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1? (Read 6025 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

I'm running NWC 2.51a on Windows 8.1

I want to try combining staffs using an old script called scratch.php, downloaded from 

I saved the file from the Scriptorium to Windows (C:) Program Files(X86)/Noteworthy Composer 2/Scripts.  I also made a copy with the name nwsw_scratch.php in the same folder. 

When I invoke the User Tools menu, neither file shows up, even though I can confirm they are in the folder when I use Windows Explorer.

The script is not part of the user tool starter kit, but does that make a difference?

What do I need to do to install this user tool?

Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #1
You need to add it to the User Tools menu using 'New...'
Registered user since 1996

Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #2
Tried that, thanks, Rick.  Doesn't work.

When I open the user tool menu, I get a window headed User Tool Description.  This has three blank fields. The first one, Group, has an arrow, but when it's selected, a small window opens.  I think it should have a list of the four Groups that show in the User Tool Description, but it's blank. The next field, Name, is blank too.  Then there's the Command line field, also blank but it has a Browse button.  When I activate that, a list of the files in my Scripts folder opens.  If the script I need is there, I think I would just select it.  The problem is that the script I need is not visible there, even though it's visible when I use File Explorer to view the same folder.

As is standard setup for Windows 8 and 8.1, I have two user identities. I don't know which one I'm currently signed in with, but since both have admin privileges, I don't think it should matter.

I don't know if it's a program limitation, preventing new user tools from being added once the user tool starter kit is there, or if it's something to do with Windows.  I suspect the latter.

Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #3
A very minor point - almost not worth asking, but you never know.

When you select "New"  and then browse to find the file you want to become the user tool, is the other drop down box  (files of type) set at "All Files" or "php Scripts" ?  If not, you will not see the file.

Other than that, cannot help since I do not have windows 8 or 8.1. There seem to be nothing but bad reports for this OS. Roll on Windows 10 - let's hope it's better. (It is rumoured to be much better than the Windows 8 family and back to the Windows 7 style.  Hurrah !)


Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #4
Tried that, thanks, Rick.  Doesn't work.

When I open the user tool menu, I get a window headed User Tool Description.  This has three blank fields. The first one, Group, has an arrow, but when it's selected, a small window opens.  I think it should have a list of the four Groups that show in the User Tool Description, but it's blank. The next field, Name, is blank too. 

You have to make your own group(s) for the tools you install, so just fill in the Group field with whatever you want. In the name field, fill in how you want the tool to be presented in the User Tool Window when you  select your group.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #5
I saved the file from the Scriptorium to Windows (C:) Program Files(X86)/Noteworthy Composer 2/Scripts.
The folder should be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts
Registered user since 1996

Re: How do I install a new user tool in Windows 8.1?

Reply #6
Thanks, gentlemen.  I think the problem is solved.  To work from Rich's reply forward:

Rich:  When you select "New"  and then browse to find the file you want to become the user tool, is the other drop down box  (files of type) set at "All Files" or "php Scripts" ?
"All files."  Re Windows 8.1, it's got a steep learning curve but I'm sort of getting used to it after nearly a year.  It still does things I don't expect.

Opagust: You have to make your own group(s) for the tools you install, so just fill in the Group field with whatever you want. In the name field, fill in how you want the tool to be presented in the User Tool Window when you  select your group.
Thank you.

Rick: The folder should be: C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2\Scripts
That solved my problem. So obvious, yet so hard to figure out. Many thanks.