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Topic: can't figure out from the info if this is possible (Read 6197 times) previous topic - next topic

can't figure out from the info if this is possible

I thought that the user tool could somehow give me a text that I could then run through and do global changes to notes
what I need....
I use a different notation program to create a slightly better looking score that can do a few things that NWC can't do.  This program also produces a midi file
when I import the file all the flatted notes are registered as sharps and it's tedious to go through and change them all.

So can I somehow get  the user tool to work with me on this or is this not how it can be used.

So far all I've been able to get is text spelling above the notes and changing the text doesn't change the note which even if it did wouldn't save me any time anyway.

Hope I'm in the right place, don't come to the forum too often so if wrong please direct me.


Re: can't figure if this is possible (nwsw_PitchMod.php)

Reply #1
I thought that the user tool could somehow give me a text that I could then run through and do global changes to notes
The tool for this is: nwsw_PitchMod.php

If you have installed NoteWorthy Composer 2 User Tools, nwsw_PitchMod.php will appear in the User Tools 'Group: .Starter Tools' as: 'Pitch Mod (nwsw)'.

Hope I'm in the right place, don't come to the forum too often so if wrong please direct me.
You are in the right place if you wish to use User Tools. There are less direct methods (that do not use tools) to approach the situation you describe. These would be better addressed in General Discussion.
Registered user since 1996