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Topic: Musical symbols in song titles or on song tile pages (Read 11672 times) previous topic - next topic

Musical symbols in song titles or on song tile pages

The subject was originally entered by Ian Dedic on 3/4, replied to by Eric at Noteworthy on 3/5 and Bob Lim on 3/5.

As stated by Eric all text in NWC is based upon the Times New Roman Font which does not include musical characters.

I have a font of musical symbols called COMPOSER that I use to decorate title pages. I use Win 3.1 PFS:Windowworks Version 2 under Win95. I have developed a lookup table for the COMPOSER font which lists the musical characters available with the correct keystroke. The table also references the treble clef and # characters in the NWCV13A font (although the # character from the keyboard could be used), and the keystrokes required for the © character from the TIMES NEW ROMAN font. Between the three fonts there are about 75 musical symbols available for use. Font point sizes will need to be adjusted much larger than normal for best appearance on the printed sheets.


You must have a sheet feeder printer. Begin with a blank sheet with your word processor. Compose your title page using the appropriate font. After printing the title page reinsert the printed title page into the printer so that the unprinted side becomes the next printable page. Begin printing your score after previewing the pages. In essence the title page is page 1 and the score print is page 2(back to back) etc. until the whole score is printed.


Determine the margins for your score and develop title information or decoration in your word processor OUTSIDE of the margins set for the score. For example, if you set the score print top margin to 1.00 inches then your word processor should enter information into only the top 1.00 inch of the word processor window. The same idea applies to the sides and bottom margins if you want to put some information in those areas. Remember to unchech the title page info in the score print window and set margins after going back to NOTEWORTHY. Insert the completed and printed title page in your printer so that the printed title page becomes the next printable page. Print your score from NOTEWORTHY.

If you would like to have my files on the COMPOSER font, the lookup table, and a rough copy of a decorated title page then please E-Mail your request to me at Thanks for letting me share my efforts with you.

Don Ferguson 4-String Plectrum Banjo Player 901 Hackney 24 year member Barbershop Harmony Socieity (SPEBSQSA) St. Marys, OH 45885 14 year Tenor in a performing quartet in Lima, OH 419 394-5493