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Topic: alteration in parentheses (Read 4013 times) previous topic - next topic

alteration in parentheses

Can I insert an alteration  in parentheses (b) (#)?

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #1
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"( ) "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"( ) "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote
Registered user since 1996

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #2
Ok, many thanks.

I fear that if you give me simple and clear instructions for applying your suggestion will not know use of it. thanks

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #3
You could also use a text entry from one of my *Dings fonts.  Appropriate symbols are available in the "name" fonts (SwingDings.ttf, MusikDingsSerif.ttf and MusikDingsSans.ttf)

Set a User font to the required *Dings font and place as text using that User font.

If you purchased NWC2 on CD, there is an option to install the "Pardypack" font suites.  If you don't have the CD you can still access the font suites via either:
the NWC site:
or the Scripto:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #4
I purchased NWC on CD and was then on-line updated to NWC2. Okay anyway?

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #5
Yes, no problem.


Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #6
Grazie, anima gentile... nonostante l'avatar...

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #7
...I fear that if you give me simple and clear instructions for applying your suggestion will not know use of it. thanks

Since your key signature is C minor it includes a B-flat.  Your half note accidental B-natural only lasts for the duration of the bar it's in.  The next B (the sixteenth note) will be flat according to music theory and the NWC program will make it flat automatically.  What you call an alteration in parentheses is also called a "courtesy accidental," and the bracket is often the way it is presented.

You can set the fonts up in your song file by going to Page Setup, Fonts.  You might set Userfont 1, Userfont2, etc. to whichever font you have on your system.  One could be from Lawrie's set of fonts referred to as Purdy fonts.

You insert text from the Insert menu, or simply press X;  the wording, placement and justification are all set in the popdown menu.

Lawrie created several fonts (the Purdy fonts) for use with NWC.  He included symbols for courtesy accidentals that include the sharp, flat or natural signs.  You enter the courtesy accidental as text where you want them.  Vertical placement might be tricky, but you can get close enough in most cases. One drawback is that if you transpose the staff, the text needs to be moved manually, and if you have lots of these text entries, it's tedious.

Rick's clip also used text but took advantage of NWC's ability to force a note to show a sharp, flat or natural sign when it wouldn't normally do so, just by highlighting it and pressing 9,8 or 7 respectively. Rick did that with the sixteenth note B-flat. He then put brackets around the flat sign, using ordinary text:
|Text|Text:"( ) "|Font:StaffSymbols|Pos:0|Justify:Right|Placement:AtNextNote

This means he inserted text, with a left bracket, a space, a right bracket and another space. He made it right justified and placed it "at next note."  His brackets fit comfortably around the "courtesy accidental."  (Rick should not have bracketed the natural sign on the half-note B  because it is a  true accidental.)

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #8
Lawrie created several fonts (the Purdy fonts) for use with NWC.  He included symbols for courtesy accidentals that include the sharp, flat or natural signs.  You enter the courtesy accidental as text where you want them.  Vertical placement might be tricky, but you can get close enough in most cases. One drawback is that if you transpose the staff, the text needs to be moved manually, and if you have lots of these text entries, it's tedious.
This is a way to put courtesy accidentals above or below the note and uses the font NWC already has installed, using Rick's example:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Since 1998

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #9
I like your way, Warren, and often do that in pencil on my band parts, particularly when the notes are crowded.  I like to put brackets around these when I pencil them in.  Don't know why, just habit I guess. 

Re: alteration in parentheses

Reply #10
Thanks to all.