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Topic: Chords containing rests (Read 4005 times) previous topic - next topic

Chords containing rests

I am having problems with rests, chords and layers. To illustrate this I will take the opening bar of Lionel Bart's "Where is Love" treble clef, piano accompaniment. This is written basically as a Soprano line (all sticks up) with an Alto line (all sticks down) below.

The Soprano line goes: Four half notes, one dotted whole note, one half note (ie 4 beats/bar)

The Alto line goes: One whole note rest, two half notes, two whole notes (ie 4 beats/bar)

Trying to write this in NWC gets me in immediate trouble. The program will not let me chord the Alto whole note rest with the first Soprano half note, nor will it even let me chord the first two Soprano half notes with two half note rests, and if I simply leave out the rest the program thinks I have four and a half beats in the bar. The basic trouble here seems to be the inability of the program to accept a chord containing a rest and an equal or shorter note, coupled with an inability to recognise whether a rest is in the Alto or the Soprano part.

No doubt I am missing something quite simple here..... Anyone got a solution, please.

Bryan Wylie

Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #1
I've had to resort to inserting rests as "text" in similar situations. This might be something for you to experiment with.

In File--> Page Setup --> Fonts, assign one of the User Fonts (I use User1) as the native NoteWorthy note font NWCV15.TTF. You can then put rests or other objects just about anywhere you want using the x (insert text) command.

There's a little "FONTMAP" file on the Scriptorium that you can use as a "toolbox" to copy/paste such objects into your file.

Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #3
The Staff Layering feature should solve this problem. You write each voice on its own staff, and layer them together.
The new 1.55 version allows you to place rests properly, fixing the biggest limitation of this feature.

Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #4
OK, I take the point about using text rather than a "proper" rest, but what does this do to the playack feature?

I've thought about the layering solution but not yet used it for real - thing is, this really just amounts to putting your two voices on two staves which is a bit of a PITA...

Thanks for your comments chaps


Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #5
Adding a rest as "text" has the same effect as any other text - none. It's simply ignored during playback.


Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #6
If the whole song is two voices, it is easier to enter it into two separate staves then trying to chord every note. The PITA is when two notes occupy the same value or one value apart. Then you must either chord the note in both staves, or select the bottom note, edit it (Ctrl-E)and move it one point to the right (Extra Note Spacing).

Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #7
What is a PITA ???

Re: Chords containing rests

Reply #8
PITA - Pain In The A...