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Topic: Music Theory, the You Tube way :) (Read 4973 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: Music Theory, the You Tube way :)

Reply #1
Thanks very much, I really enjoyed that.

BTW, when I saw that subject line, I was hoping you were announcing a new Captain Broccoli video. What... you've not heard of Captain Broccoli, Musicologist?  Well, wait no more... (they're not in the correct order in that playlist, plus there's a duplicate in there)

  - Mike

Re: Music Theory, the You Tube way :)

Reply #2
Thanks Mike,
I need to take the time to listen to all of those...  :)
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Music Theory, the You Tube way :)

Reply #3
Thanks, Lawrie - just shared The Music Theory Song on Facebook. Mike, I've gotta find the time to listen to those. :-) to both of you.