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Topic: Measure numbers (Read 12442 times) previous topic - next topic

Measure numbers

I NWC 2.5.5.
Can someone explain to me why I can not number the measure?
Thank you.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #1
They are now on the panel above the score in the editor. If you cannot see them, select View/Show Bar number panel.

This method ensures that you can always see the bar numbers no matter how far down the score you are working on. Previously, it was only above the top staff and if you were working on say the 10th staff down in an orchestral score, you could not see the bar numbers unless you hid some of the instruments.

This does not alter the way to print bar numbers. This remains the same as it always was.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #2
So there is the possibility to see the numbers of all measures in the print?

(Sorry for my english)


Re: Measure numbers

Reply #4
Grazie per la madre lingua!
Visto e fatto, grazie. Un paio di domande: bisogna incollare un numero (di battuta) alla volta? E' possibile incollare anche del testo?

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #5
Visto e fatto, grazie. Un paio di domande: bisogna incollare un numero (di battuta) alla volta? E' possibile incollare anche del testo?

Seen and done, thank you. A couple of questions: you have to paste a number (beat) at a time? E 'can also paste text?

Open my webpage at the same time you have NWC open.  If you have made any changes to the file before using my page, save them now.  Create a model measure number as text--font, position, color, and offset will be used and place it right before or right after a bar line.  Cut from that bar line or measure number to the end of the staff (or last measure you want numbered) and paste it into my page.  After running it, paste it back into your song.  The measure number is text.

Apri la mia pagina web, allo stesso tempo si ha NWC aperto. Se sono state apportate modifiche al file prima di utilizzare la mia pagina, salvarli ora. Creare un numero di misura del modello come testo - tipo di carattere, la posizione, il colore, e l'offset sarà utilizzato e metterlo subito prima o subito dopo una stanghetta. taglio da quella linea bar o numero di misura fino alla fine del personale (o ultima misura che si desidera numerato) e incollarlo nella mia pagina. Dopo l'esecuzione di esso, incolla di nuovo nella vostra canzone. Il numero della misura è il testo.

"using Google Translate"

Thank you, Flurmy.
Since 1998

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #6
Many thanks, Warren!

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #7
There's a curious problem with 'Exclude from bar count'. I was trying to insert a courtesy time signature, so put it in with an invisible force system break bar line.
This would in any case be excluded from the bar count since there are no notes or rests in the bar, but explicitly excluding it also excludes the previous genuine bar line.
Not a problem once you realise what's happening, but I was scratching my head for some time before working it out.

Code: [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:12|Lines:5|Color:Default

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #8
Does this do what you need?  I added a New System boundary.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Since 1998

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #9
explicitly excluding it also excludes the previous genuine bar line.
"The previous genuine bar line" is not "genuine" :) In NWC, the "genuine bar line" is one that is followed by an object that has duration without an intervening bar line. IOW, find a Note, Rest, Chord, RestChord or MultiBar Rest. Moving to the left, the first Bar encountered is "genuine". Setting 'Exclude from Bar Count' on the others does nothing as they are excluded by default.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #10
Warren: Doesn't quite work since there shouldn't be a closing bar line on the first staff.

Rick: Sort of makes sense, but only if that's the way you define it. You could equally say don't count a bar that has nothing in front of it (as indeed happens if you start a piece with a bar line).

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #11
When excluding from bar count the first 3 bars (followed by a line break), the first number that appears at the beginning of the next system is 2, while it should be 1 or no number at all. But even though the number 2 is shown NWC really counts it as 1, judging from the following bar numbers. Not too serious, because after the initial wrong number bar count goes back to normal on the next system. But it's strange nevertheless.
Or am I missing something obvious?
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
|Text|Text:"½ CII"|Font:User1|Pos:13|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   2"|Font:User1|Pos:1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   1"|Font:User1|Pos:0|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:-1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   1"|Font:User1|Pos:-2|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:-1|Placement:AtNextNote
|Text|Text:"   3"|Font:User1|Pos:2|Placement:AtNextNote

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #12
When excluding from bar count the first 3 bars (followed by a line break), the first number that appears at the beginning of the next system is 2, while it should be 1 or no number at all.
My first instinct was to add a topmost control staff, turning the first line into a single bar. NWC 2.5.5 goes wild in print preview! Moving the control staff down yields what I would expect (except for the numbering, which I agree is a bug).

I hope that the problem exposed but my clip can be fixed. Over the years I have used unusual TimeSigs on a control staff, but have encounted this problem only when there was more content on a line than could be printed. That is clearly not the case here :(
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|PgSetup|StaffLabels:First System|BarNumbers:Plain
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)|WithNextStaff:Layer
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Down
Registered user since 1996

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #13
Reopening this thread, is there a "better" way now that NWC has evolved for having measure numbers for each measure?

In brass band director scores, it is common to have measure numbers centered above each measure throughout the score ... would be nice if someone could tell me that, and how, this could be done nowadays!


Re: Measure numbers

Reply #14
Check out BarCounter.nw. You can check a box to show bar numbers on all measures. However, it doesn't center the number over the measure, it shows it at the beginning of each measure.

Re: Measure numbers

Reply #15
It gets better and better ... thanks a huge lot for this!


Re: Measure numbers

Reply #16
If having the measure number in the middle of the measure is important, there is an old user function that may help.  Create a model measure number (text object with only digits) in the first measure where you need it to be (beats from the beginning of the measure).  If, in 4/4 time, you create a model measure number just before the 3rd beat, later selected measures will have a measure number at the same place or as soon as possible. (If measure is quarter, half, quarter, the measure number would be before the 4th beat.)  Download nummeas.js and note where you stored it. Open a NWC file and select a new user tool.  On the "command", browse for the location, then prepend "wscript " to it.  Accept other defaults.

When running it, the measure with your model measure number must be the first one selected.  All attributes of the text measure number will be replicated in later measures.

Since 1998