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Topic: Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only) (Read 14215 times) previous topic - next topic

Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only)

I've wanted since I discovered NWC to have longer pitch bend range. Well, I just had this idea:

  • Create two staves with the same instrument
  • Have them both play different notes at the same time
  • Place absolute volume commands before them. For the volume command of the first note of the "bend", have the first value be 127 and the next one 0. If you already know how to use MPC commands and time them right, then the note values of when to shift the volume should be self-explanatory and depends on what you're scoring
  • For the other staff, copy the command but reverse the volume slides so that it's 0, and then 127

This effectively causes the second note to be audible after its attack (the first part of the instrument's sample) and right when the first note's volume goes to 0, which gives a pretty good pitch shift effect with certain instruments, notably guitars.

The downside is this cannot be used for linear pitch bends. And I know that's what we all want...

Re: Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only)

Reply #1
Hi X172

I've wanted since I discovered NWC to have longer pitch bend range. Well, I just had this idea:

Well, I should tell you that this idea is not new.  This is known as the Nachbaur method after Fred Nachbaur who invented it.

You can get an example file of this in action from the Scriptorium here :

Download the file called gliss.nwc which is the opening gliss for Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.

Keep on coming up with the ideas though - Thanks


Re: Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only)

Reply #2
At least I can be proud I came up with the idea on my own :)

As for that gliss file, I can't tell what exactly it's doing and can't de-layer the staves. I have however tried to do what I THINK it's doing and always came up with this

Re: Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only)

Reply #3
As for that gliss file, I can't tell what exactly it's doing and can't de-layer the staves.

Sounds good. Attach the nwc file in this forum rather than linking to an mp3.
BTW - you need to change your link to "www" rather than "ww"

You can't de-layer the staves because they are not layered. They are hidden.
Go to Page set up and check the line that says Hidden.


Re: Trick to acheiving unlimited pitch bend range (absolute only)

Reply #4
Wait.. I thought I couldn't de-layer them as it seemed like another one of the things non-licensed users can't do with NWC files licensed users created.

I've viewed the hidden staves and pretty sure I get it now. Thanks a lot!

Also, I thought I saw something on this site that said I can't attach files without "upgrading my account"