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Topic: How to use some of the new features in Version 2.5 (Read 19036 times) previous topic - next topic

How to use some of the new features in Version 2.5

The attachment contains instructions on how to use some of the new features in version 2.5.
It uses Scot Boyd's song "A Rose in June", which is supplied with every copy of NoteWorthy Composer, to show :
Collapsing a Staff
Abbreviated Labels
Gapping the staff for a Coda.
Upper and Lower Boundary changes
Forcing a new page.

A You Tube video showing these instructions can be found at New 2.5 Features .  There is no sound on the video, so don't expect any !


Re: How to use some of the new features in Version 2.5

Reply #1
Thanks Rich.  That video was very clear and illustrates your points very well - a picture says a thousand words ...  There are two things that I would like to comment on:

1.  Do the Upper and Lower Boundary changes that you illustrated have the same function as the "Upper and Lower Boundaries" that can be accessed from the staff\properties menu\visual tab ?  If yes, is this an alternative way of changing boundaries or there is some enhancement using this new method ? Or is it simply that the old method is now redundant ?

2.  Secondly, I would like to remind people reading this forum that what Rich has illustrated are only some of the more recent updated or new  goodies.  People seem to have forgot other goodies, such as those associated with the Persitant Note Tools and the dotted single and double bar lines for example.  These were introduced when work on the new 2.5 version started and are also very useful.

Is there a list somewhere detailing all changes from ver 2.1 to 2.5 ?  

Re: How to use some of the new features in Version 2.5

Reply #2
1.  Do the Upper and Lower Boundary changes that you illustrated have the same function as the "Upper and Lower Boundaries" that can be accessed from the staff\properties menu\visual tab ?  If yes, is this an alternative way of changing boundaries or there is some enhancement using this new method ? Or is it simply that the old method is now redundant ?

The upper and lower boundaries have always been associated with each staff.  Pre version 2.5, once they had been set, they were set for the whole piece of music.  What is new is that now, you can use the boundary change functionality to change the values for a particular staff, system, page - etc. (But this is via changing the values for each staff)

So the boundary limits are no longer cast in stone so to speak. So you can use the values in Staff Properties to set up general boundaries but then use the boundary change functionality to fine tune each staff / system / page for printing purposes.

A quick example of this may be where you have a song with say 6 verses all printed on the first page. On the second page, there is only a single chorus. You can now change page 2 so that you don't have all of the space taken up by the verses on page 1.

Is there a list somewhere detailing all changes from ver 2.1 to 2.5 ?

Load up NWC 2.5, Press F1, then select What's New.

or there is the on-line version here :

What's New?