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Topic: Chord members with different durations (Read 10263 times) previous topic - next topic

Chord members with different durations

The first two chords of measure 3 have different durations. This results in the measure bars of the two staves not being aligned.  Furthermore it seems to confuse NWC, when it is played -- the left hand and right hand are out-of-sync after that point.


Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #1
Hello David,

You need to treat the chords in the way shown here - or use layering or seperate staffs for  each stem direction.

Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #2
Putting the quarter-rest in makes no sense to me, because the soprano note preceding it is a dotted half. the final thir of which should occupy the time before the quarter note is played. Please tell me where my thinking is wrong on this.

Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #3
Because the Sop note Preceeding it is a dotted half, it takes the space of a beat and a half.
However, the second chord comes in after a beat because the first chord only occupies the time of the smallest note.
So when the Alto starts singing the note on the second chord the soprano should still be singing the remaining third of the the first Sop note in that measure.

You are correct that a rest should not be shown in this instance and this is only a mechanism to make the measure balance in NoteWorthy.
If you do not want to see the rest, you can  hide it when printing or when using the viewer mode.  To do this, highlight the chord and press ALT and Enter to go to the properties,  then select the rest chord tab and make sure that the show rest check box is unset.

Having done this, when your use viewer mode or print out, you will not see the rest.

Other ways of doing this is to put each voice on a staff and then use layering to put them together.  This will allow you to have the correct placements for these chords and notes without using a rest chord.


Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #4
As explained by Rich.:

The attached *.nwc shows what the Right Hand looks like when split into two staves and layered.

Note: The user tool by Andrew Purdam: "adp_Parts.php" is makes it a breeze to split voices apart.

Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #5
I always used to implement a workaround where i split the dotted half into a half and a quarter tied together - which at least gave me the correct sound.

Timing for adding the tie is crucial to avoid the D is also tied:
In this case I first focus on the stem-up notes (F half / F quarter / tie / G quarter) and then add the stem-down notes as chord notes (D half D half), but of course if the dotted half is

Code: [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"Work around"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:8

Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #6
Putting the quarter-rest in makes no sense to me, because the soprano note preceding it is a dotted half. the final thir of which should occupy the time before the quarter note is played. Please tell me where my thinking is wrong on this.
You know that the staff has a soprano and an alto voice. NoteWorthy makes no such assumptions.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
The RestChord clarifies the situation for NoteWorthy. Opts:HideRest avoids annoying the musician.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Chord members with different durations

Reply #7
what a great workaround.  this has always driven me crazy.  I would just use tied notes if I didn't want to use layering.

Happy Holidays.  Jim from Cleveland.  (Haven't visited the forum in a while.)
Jim in Cleveland