" For The Noteworthy Owner " 2011-08-04 06:05 AM " I wish to present these ideas to you for your evaluation whether they possibles or impossibles or what you think of them whether they would be an asset to you & nwc. Quote Selected
Re: " For The Noteworthy Owner " Reply #1 – 2011-08-04 06:29 AM May I say my opinion?I simply don't care about 99.9% of the things you're requesting... Quote Selected 1 Likes
Re: " For The Noteworthy Owner " Reply #2 – 2011-08-04 07:41 AM a) Many of the note manipulations you suggest are best done as MIDI-to-MIDI. There are a wealth of such utilities, some requiring a Mac or UNIX. There is also a NoteWorthy User Tool for retrograding.b) Special tuning is the purview of the MIDI device. NWC cannot apply note-by-note tuning via MIDI output without burning up MIDI Channels at a prodigious rate. I would support any changes needed to NoteWorthy so that it does not reset the special tuning that is set up a MIDI device. IMO, Sysex dump support would improve NoteWorthy.c) Some folks may like skins and wallpaper, but when I get a new app with them, my first search is "how to turn wallpaper off" followed closely by cycling though the skins to find the one that most resembles Windows 95.d) Many of the note search and replace options can be done with Andrew Purdom's search and replace User Tool.e) A "list of practical pitch-bend presets" can be saved as a text file and copied and pasted as needed.f) Lawrie Pardy's Font Pack for NoteWorthy Composer has a jazz suite that could be the basis for a 17th century manuscript suite. All you need is a font editor (some of which are free). If you are really interested in period authentic notation, I would suggest LilyPond. It seems like half of that program and fonts are devoted to it. The downside is that folks that want to produce readable music have to wade though lots of useless documentation.g) Noteworthy already makes it fairly easy to convert a score to piano. Producing a piano score that can actually be read on the fly and played is the hard part. I doubt that this can be automated.h) Some folks may like a scrolling playback display. I don't. I have tried vertical auto scrolling for text. It gives me a headache.i) NWC should probably have an option to use all the notes in piano bar playback. I'd be happy to see it include grace notes.My 2 cents Quote Selected Last Edit: 2011-08-04 07:59 AM by Rick G. 1 Likes
Re: " For The Noteworthy Owner " Reply #3 – 2011-08-04 07:57 AM QuoteI would support any changes needed to NoteWorthy so that it does not reset the special tuning that is set up a MIDI device.NWC does it? I rarely use special tuning so I can't say.QuoteSysex dump support would improve NoteWorthy.Well, at least adding the possibility to insert "GM on", "GM2 on", "XG on" and "GS on" should be useful and very easy.Quotea jazz suite that coud be the basis for a 17th century manuscript suiteXVIIth century jazz! ;-)QuoteSome folks may like a scrolling playback display. I don't. I have tried vertical auto scrolling for text. It gives me a headache.Me too. Quote Selected 1 Likes
Re: " For The Noteworthy Owner " Reply #4 – 2011-11-26 05:52 PM 23-in entering notes in click mode, wether is single notes or notes for a chord entered above or below, after you click to enter note a palette pops up for you to quickly choose to save time the accidental desired.24-style presets both provided & custom option to save & use your own rhythmic accompaniment or treble precise digital structures & once having chosen it when you enter notes on the keyboard below the score the notes follow the pattern you have chosen to save time & compose at a faster, more convinient, & more progressfull manner.25-Highlighting of range limits in the keyboard below to the instrument at hand.Relating to No.22, this note-alignment process can only be for solo scores(L.H. & R.H.) unless you can devise a multi-faceded system of the same process. However, for a solo composition, this mutator mode would have three definitive options for the entire composition, not two or all three but you could only apply one of the three: 1-the integers that are entered are calculated by the closest same note name but not identical pitch note in the top clef relative to the note in the low staff(EX: treble A1 + Bass b, so the number would be 3 as the integer for that note-alignment). 2- Same as 1 but the calculation would be administered by the closest same note name but not identical pitch note in the bottom so the number would be 11. 3- The final option would count the intergers between one or all notes in the top clef to the low clef(EX: C1 to c = 13. Quote Selected
Re: " For The Noteworthy Owner " Reply #5 – 2011-11-26 07:00 PM Quote from: Kristoval – 2011-11-26 05:52 PM23-in entering notes in click mode, wether is single notes or notes for a chord entered above or below, after you click to enter note a palette pops up for you to quickly choose to save time the accidental desired.The "palette" is always there. It is called a Tool Bar. Tools Bars can be customized and made to float.When the user right-clicks to the right of a staff object, one of the (context menu) options is: 'Chord Member Ctrl+Enter'. But what is often needed is to replace the pitch at the position if it is there. If instead of simulating Ctrl+Enter, NWC would simulate Ctrl+Backspace followed by Ctrl+Enter, the option would be more useful. On the rare occasion where the user wanted two pitches at the same position, the keyboard or the Main Menu Bar could be used. 'Remove Chord Member Ctrl+Backspace' would be a welcome addition to the options.IMO, chord editing would be improved if NWC were not so fussy about stem direction. Quote Selected 1 Likes