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Topic: Garritan Personal Orchestra (Read 8457 times) previous topic - next topic

Garritan Personal Orchestra

Hi guys,

In a 2005 topic, I read "I just picked up GPO a couple of days ago.  It works like a charm with NWC.

In NWC: Options --> MIDI tab.  Add GPO 1-8 to playback devices.  Selcet desired channels.

Open Garritan Personal Studio, not Garritan Personal Orchestra.  Click Player 1.  Load desired voice.  Switch channel to match NWC (it's only labeled with a tiny icon that looks like the end of a MIDI cable).  Repeat for other instruments.

Play piece in NWC.  Voila!  Beautiful instruments!"

but I do not see GPO 1-8. (Vista here.) Any suggestions please?

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #1
I do not see GPO 1-8. (Vista here.) Any suggestions please?
Years ago, GPO came with something called "GPO Studio". From what I read, this was a MIDI device driver that worked somewhat like MIDI-OX. GPO discontinued "GPO Studio" circa 2008.
If you buy the latest version of Garritan, they no longer use Native instruments GPO Studio but they now use something called Aria.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #2
ok... I've started Garritan ARIA Player.
Now what do I do to have Noteworthy use GPO?
It is, sadly, not quite self-explanatory: In Noteworthy, I still have the Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth (left) and Microsoft Midi Mapper (right, under Devices used by play back).


Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #3
You will need a Virtual Cable (like MIDI Yoke).
Download and install MIDI Yoke.
Click on the MIDI Yoke link to get to the download.

Set MIDI Yoke 1 as the output from NWC.
Set MIDI Yoke 1 as the input into Aria under Tools>Preferences.
Also select the audio output from Aria to your sound device.
Load the instruments in the Aria channels to correspond with the channels in NWC.
Play the score from NWC.

You may have to add a Modulation controller with a value of about 100 in each staff as a Multipoint Controller.
GPO uses Modulation as the dynamic controller and Volume for track balance.

Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #4
I feel like a complete novice here, and I probably am.

I installed Midi-OX. Now what do I do? Set MIDI Yoke 1 as the output from NWC. In Midi-OX or in NWC? How, please?
In Aria I can find Tools>Preferences, but nothing shows there. That is because the previous step is not done yet?

The rest (from "Load the instruments") is quite simple.
But a few more hints would be very welcome!
Rob den Heijer, Utrecht.

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #5
Sorry Rob,

I should have read your first post through.
It seems you are on  Vista and I don't see a Mid Yoke version for Vista.
I use it with XP.

Did you reboot aftering installing Midi Yoke?

According to Lawrie you can use Midi Yoke with 32 bit Vista.
For detailed instructions on how to set up a VST instrument download Lawrie's document
Although he is using Synthfont through VST Host as the output device he describes the process better than I could.

If  that won't work perhaps you could try the Maple virtual cable which is suitable for Vista.

Basically you make one end of the virtual cable the playback output in NWC.
The other end is set as the input into Aria player.



Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #7
It could be that the computer (a laptop) I am trying GPO on, is too simple.
Even after a restart I get no results:
MidiOX says "there are no MIDI input devices"
Noteworthy sees no new available play devices. Must try it on another computer...

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #8
Have you confirmed that MIDI-Ox and MIDI-Yoke work with Vista? I don't think they do. If you've got 64-bit, I'm pretty sure they don't. Haven't looked at their website for this conversation (dangerous!), but I just went through the process of looking for a virtual MIDI cable for Win7, and I know MIDI-Yoke wasn't an option for my setup.

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #9
Not sure about 64 bit Vista but midi-yoke did work for me with 32 bit Vista, but I had to turn off UAC in order that it installed properly

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #10
I've been using Noteworthy for absolutely yonks now (since I got it on a magazine cover floppy disk in the 90s), but only just discovered there was a community of people discussing my favourite software! So hello everyone, and I hope it doesn't matter that this topic is a couple of months old, but I thought I'd add my 2p...

I'm on Vista (32-bit) and use a combination of the absolutely stonking free VSTHost (You'll have to Google it, I'm not allowed to post links) and MIDIYoke to host Garritan. I've had no problems with the version of MIDIYoke intended for NT.

This solution also allows me to use other VST instruments concurrently, making the sounds coming out of NWC rather good.
My only crit of this solution is the balance is poorly handled when compared with using a sequencer (such as Cubase) to do the job. However it's good enough to give me really good instant feedback on my intended sounds as I compose/transcribe/whatever fun job I'm using NWC for on that particular day.
Does anyone else use VST instruments like this?

Re: Garritan Personal Orchestra

Reply #11
I don't have a clue about VST and Vista, but I wanted to be the first to welcome you to the forum, ZoomZoom.