Re: trouble witn win7 and midi
Reply #10 –
G'day Jay,
given your statement above, I have no idea what you're trying to do.
MIDI input from an external keyboard is MIDI input from an external keyboard. You need the keyboard, connected to a MIDI interface in the PC, that interface configured as a MIDI input device in NWC (possibly but not necessarily via a soft cable like MIDIyoke) and have NWC record from said MIDI input. It is also possible for NWC to play back what you are inputing too but this does not seem to be your problem.
If this does not describe what you are basically trying to do then just what is it that you are trying to achieve??? (picture a confused, bearded face)
One thought that just crossed my mind... You do have the MIDI OUT of the keyboard plugged into the MIDI IN of the interface don't you? This is an easy mistake to make and overlook.