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Topic: 64-bit mxml2nwc available (Read 15617 times) previous topic - next topic

64-bit mxml2nwc available

Having upgraded my ancient PC to a new one, I found it running Vista 64-bit.  Unfortunately, most of my apps, including mxml2nwc, was running 32-bit.  This caused a problem.

I contacted Nicolas who kindly updated and provided me a 64-bit version which runs superbly!  He also provided me with the following download information for this forum: (His quote)

"Standard version:
x64-only version: - to use ONLY if the other doesn't work."


He's quite a guy.  Use and enjoy!



Re: 64-bit mxml2nwc available

Reply #1
Does anyone know if Nicholas is continuing to develop mxml2nwc?  I use it and like it a lot, but it doesn't seem to handle multiple lyric lines in the version I have.