64-bit mxml2nwc available 2009-10-08 01:30 AM Having upgraded my ancient PC to a new one, I found it running Vista 64-bit. Unfortunately, most of my apps, including mxml2nwc, was running 32-bit. This caused a problem.I contacted Nicolas who kindly updated and provided me a 64-bit version which runs superbly! He also provided me with the following download information for this forum: (His quote)"Standard version: http://www.niversoft.com/downloads/mxml2nwcc.zipx64-only version: http://www.niversoft.com/downloads/mxml2nwcc-x64.zip - to use ONLY if the other doesn't work."(endquote)He's quite a guy. Use and enjoy!debaumann Quote Selected
Re: 64-bit mxml2nwc available Reply #1 – 2010-09-09 02:06 PM Does anyone know if Nicholas is continuing to develop mxml2nwc? I use it and like it a lot, but it doesn't seem to handle multiple lyric lines in the version I have. Quote Selected