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Topic: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available] (Read 122020 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

NoteWorthy Composer Viewer Version 2.5.4 includes a browser plugin that can be used to view NoteWorthy Composer files directly within your Netscape compatible browser (Internet Explorer is not supported).

Officially supported browsers are Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome (32-bit) on Microsoft Windows XP or later.

** Notice ***
If you have an old NWC Browser Plugin installed in your browser's program area, it should be removed before installing this edition of the Viewer. If old copies are not removed, then your browser will continue to use your old copy of the browser plugin.

** Notice 2***
You should close your browser before installing the Viewer. The plugin will automatically be detected when it is restarted after the Viewer setup is completed.

The latest NWC Viewer download is available here:

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #1
NWC Viewer Version 2.5.1 Beta 1 is available now.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #2
Where can I download the new Viewer?

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #3
It is attached to this topic.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #4
Can you give a bit of guidance on this since I can't see any form of plugin working at all.

I can see that if I click on a NoteWorthy file, it auto downloads and the viewer routes it to the correct NWC version. But that's not a browser plugin.

What have I missed?  I used the options to turn off the automatic launch but then I just get the option of which program to load the file into, none of which is directly to a browser screen.

Using Chrome version 17.0.963.56 m on windows 7 a 64 bit machine but chrome 32 bit.  Cannot see any evidence of a plugin dll within the chrome directories, nor could I see any mention of a plugin in the viewer install log.


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #5
Ahhh !

I installed Firefox and then re-installed the viewer.  The plugin works perfectly well, and is as expected, in Firefox. Still no go in Chrome though.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #6
It occurs to me that all of my test machines have both browsers installed, which is probably not an ideal testing strategy. I'll try some other permutations.

In the mean time, are you viewing files/pages that you recently viewed prior to installing the new Viewer? In my testing, I have found that the browsers tend to be reluctant to update their behavior for pages/files that are in their cache.

By the way, I am posting this from Chrome using the same version as you (Chrome on x64 Windows 7). The plugin worked immediately for me. Perhaps it is because Firefox was already installed back when I first installed Chrome (which was a long time ago).

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #7
In the mean time, are you viewing files/pages that you recently viewed prior to installing the new Viewer? In my testing, I have found that the browsers tend to be reluctant to update their behavior for pages/files that are in their cache.

Nope !  I chose a random selection from the Scriptorium.  They were pieces that I certainly hadn't viewed recently.

Since I am using my new machine, I only had the 32 and 64 bit versions of IE installed on it. I installed chrome specifically to test the plugin.
After getting nothing apart from a download and routing to NWC, I then wrote the post asking for advice.

Then I decided to install Firefox to see if that worked.  After installation, I reinstalled the viewer and saw that firefox was working as expected.

I tried Chrome again to no avail.

I will try to re-install Chrome and then the Viewer to see if anything changes.  ...  be back !


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #8
I just installed the new Viewer on a Windows 7 machine that already had Chrome installed, but not Firefox. I even did the install from a limited user account. The plugin worked immediately in a new Chrome tab. I didn't even need to restart the browser (probably due to Chrome's process sandbox isolation feature for tabs).

Still looking...

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #9
Re-installed Chrome and the Viewer. No difference -- Chrome not working as a plugin

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #10
Checked the Chrome / Options / Under the Hood / Content Settings.  This has plugins set to "Run Automatically"


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #11
Well, you might try a system restart (suggestion offered reluctantly, as I do not really see how that would help).

Also, the MIME type is essential. The live Scripto files work well for me.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #12
Using WinXP, I downloaded Google Chrome (17.0.963.56) from Portable Apps to a USB stick. Playing songs from the Scripto worked just fine. I don't think that CPU Usage ever got above 8%
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #13
Well, you might try a system restart (suggestion offered reluctantly, as I do not really see how that would help).

Also, the MIME type is essential. The live Scripto files work well for me.

Had already tried a re-start but will try again, with a proper switch off.

Where should I look for for the MIME type ?

Scripto files a fine with Firefox.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #15
Checked the Chrome / Options / Under the Hood / Content Settings.  This has plugins set to "Run Automatically"

Do you see the NWC Plugin in the "Disable individual plug-ins..." section? You should see it as:

NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer - Version:
NoteWorthy Composer Browser Plug-in

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #16
Do you see the NWC Plugin in the "Disable individual plug-ins..." section? You should see it as:

Ahh - It's not there - so obviously, for some reason, the plugin is not installing for chrome on my machine.

In addition, looking at the nwc link that Rick provided, with Chrome I get  a message saying "No plugin available to display this content" whereas with Firefox, it just loads up an plays.

I'll try completely uninstalling Chrome from the Control panel then re-installing, then re-installing the viewer an see what happens.


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #17
You don't need to reinstall the Viewer. The fact that Firefox loads it proves that it is installed correctly.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #18
I'll try completely uninstalling Chrome from the Control panel then re-installing, then re-installing the viewer an see what happens.
I did not need to re-install the Viewer.

I tried disabling the plugin. The "Moonlight" page reported that the plugin was disabled and provided a link to manage plugins. Using the link, I enabled the plugin and returned to "Moonlight" which started playing after a screen refresh.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #19
No joy with the re-installation.

Just a wild stab in the dark.  You will know what I am on about! Could it be anything to do with the previous "Error creating hash"?

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #20
I really don't know. I am still reviewing everything. I found a possible anomaly with the Viewer install and the Windows 7 registry that requires further investigation. Stay tuned...

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #21
OK, I was wrong about an anomaly. The Windows 7 x64 registry just works differently. The HKLM area for 32-bit apps automatically redirect to Wow6432Node in the x64 registry.

The magic behind the browser automatically picking up and loading the NWC Viewer plugin is found in the registry. Both Chrome and Firefox should use any plugins as defined in the registry at:


The NWC Plugin registry area is:

For some reason, Richard, your install of Chrome is not detecting this area. On Windows 7 x64, this area is technically:


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #22
Well that seems to be there - one question.

Under "Path" I see there is :

C:\Program Files (x86)\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2 Viewer\npnwcw32.dll

If I look in the Chrome Disble plugins area, there is an npnwcw32

It says just that - npnwcw32 and does not have the text that you quoted earlier.

Is this any help ?

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #23
If I look in the Chrome Disble plugins area, there is an npnwcw32
It says just that - npnwcw32 and does not have the text that you quoted earlier.

This indicates that Chrome is at least noticing the registry settings for the Viewer. Something is preventing it from fully including it.

Wild guess: Is your AV blocking it? Seems unlikely, since Firefox is loading it, but you never know.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #24
It says just that - npnwcw32 and does not have the text that you quoted earlier.

Firefox however, reports it correctly as the text quoted earlier and in the "more" area also reports that it was installed on 26 February 2012.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #25
Well I turned off the wi-fi, turned off Norton, used my local copy of the Scriptorium.
Same result. 

Chrome not working, Firefox working.


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #26
Two questions that might help:

1) If you check the file properties for the Viewer\npnwcw32.dll files (from Windows Explorer), does it still have our digital certificate?

2) Do you have any other npnwcw32.dll files on your computer?

If you want to experiment, you can temporarily copy the npnwcw32.dll file into the Chrome program's Plugins folder. You will find that here:


You probably need to create the \Plugins folder there first.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #27
1) If you check the file properties for the Viewer\npnwcw32.dll files (from Windows Explorer), does it still have our digital certificate?

2) Do you have any other npnwcw32.dll files on your computer?
No - have double checked.

If you want to experiment, you can temporarily copy the npnwcw32.dll file into the Chrome program's Plugins folder.

Have now tried this.  I renamed the dll in the viewer folder and confirmed that Firefox no longer worked.
Created the Directory
Copied and pasted the DLL
The plugin still showed as the dll name in Chrome.
Didn't work.
I have now removed the Plugins folder and renamed the dll back again (Firefox is working again).

Perhaps this is just a quirk for some reason on my machine and no one else will have this problem. Since Firefox is working, I am happy to leave it at that, but am also happy to keep looking if anything else occurs.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #28
Your results tend to indicate that Chrome just won't load the plugin on your computer. Very strange...

If you notice anything in the system logs about this, please post any details. Otherwise, for now, it seems a good course of action to wait to see if others experience the issue. Judging by our server traffic, there are many Chrome users, so a problem pattern might surface over time.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #29

If you have any idea of which system logs to look at, I would be happy to have a browse.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #30
Right click My Computer->Manage->Event Viewer

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #31
Further update on this issue.

I fired up my older machine which already had Chrome and Firefox installed.

Firefox was fine.  Chrome did not work. Same issues as as the new machine.
Of further interest is that on that older machine, I have other browsers installed.  (For testing purposes - I just had not got round to installing them on the new machine)

Opera  - Plugin works
Lunascape - Plugin works
Safari - Plugin works


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.1 Beta 1

Reply #32
You must have a system configuration that makes Chrome dislike the Viewer. Perhaps time will reveal what it is.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #34
Using Chrome 17.0.963.56 (from a USB stick) on XP

I press play. Song starts but highlight is skipped on first chord (and lyric).
I press play again. This causes pause (what I expect)
I press stop. Slider returns to zero.
I press play. Play resumes from pause! (slider jumps)
To play from start, I need to refresh the page

I can pause and then move the slider to the beginning. This highlights the first chord.
But when I press play, the first chord is shorter than if I play from refresh.
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #35
When I send my Noteworthy file created in NWC 2.5 to my friends who have NWC viewer on their computer, an error message "NWC2stda.ttf font cannot be found on the system" when they try to open the file.  Any suggestions on what they need to do to open the file?

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #36
When I send my Noteworthy file created in NWC 2.5 to my friends who have NWC viewer on their computer, <snip>.  Any suggestions on what they need to do to open the file?
"Your friends" need to install the Viewer. Having "NWC viewer on their computer" is not enough.

The installation package for the Viewer is available from: NoteWorthy Composer - Downloads
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #37
My daughter had the same probblem She installed the viewer and used it successfully. The next time she went to use it, it said "...font not found." She was not on the net at the time, but we managed to find the font in Program Files/Noteworthy (I think) and installed it successfully. This was a Vista machine.

And Rick, Wouldn't someone saying they have a program "on their computer" be assumed to have "installed" it to get it there? Especially a free program? My daughter installed it, and still had this problem.


Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #38
My daughter had the same probblem She installed the viewer and used it successfully. The next time she went to use it, it said "...font not found."


My daughter installed it, and still had this problem.
Yeah, there seems to be a number of instances of this problem lately - I can't help wondering if there is something wrong with either the install routine, the application itself or the Windows versions in question.  I don't recall if it has been only Vista/Win7 or if XP has been in trouble too.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #39
Wouldn't someone saying they have a program "on their computer" be assumed to have "installed" it to get it there?
I would only assume that 'NWC2View.exe' is there. For all I know, it might have been zipped and emailed to them. The solution is the same. Install the Viewer from: NoteWorthy Composer - Downloads
Registered user since 1996

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #40
Hi Rick,
what you say has merit, but remember the other bit fathafluff said:

My daughter had the same probblem She installed the viewer and used it successfully. The next time she went to use it, it said "...font not found." She was not on the net at the time, but we managed to find the font in Program Files/Noteworthy (I think) and installed it successfully. This was a Vista machine.
and this is not a unique instance of apparently correct installations playing up.  IIRC David Palmquist saw a similar issue (and I know he knows how to install it).
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #41
I can't help wondering if there is something wrong with either the install routine, the application itself or the Windows versions in question.  I don't recall if it has been only Vista/Win7 or if XP has been in trouble too.

There was a problem in the original 2.5 version releases. This was corrected in the installers for the newest update, as well as the Viewer.

I believe that there was a bug in the original NWC 2.5 installers with regard to installing/upgrading the font. It may have been fixed in the newer installers, but the issue will be reviewed to make sure that it is truly solved going forward.

As far as I know, reinstalling the latest Viewer should always correct the problem. If anyone still experiences the font issue, please let us know.

Re: NWC Viewer 2.5.4 [Beta Concluded, Release Available]

Reply #42
If you have experienced the font issue, you might need to restart after reinstalling the Viewer.