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Topic: 3 ruby scripts (Read 8847 times) previous topic - next topic

3 ruby scripts

Here are 3 ruby scripts.



File name is

select a staff and run this script
and select a file from prompt
then this will replace the staff with the file content

current directory is
C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2

Config directory is
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\Config

add the following command line into Config file

Ruby Read from file=ruby.exe scripts\readfromfile.rb <PROMPT:Enter input file name:=|file1.xml|file2.xml>


ifile = "temp/" + $*[0]  # $* is arguments
#ifile = "test.xml"
#ofile = "test9test.xml"
xml = open(ifile).read
#ofile =, "w")
#ofile.print ifile
print xml
exit 0



File name is

select a staff and run this script
and select a file from prompt
then this will dump the staff into the file

current directory is
C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2

Config directory is
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\Config

exit 99  -- mini window
exit 0 -- nwc score editor

add the following command line into Config file

Ruby Dump 2 File=ruby.exe scripts\dump2file.rb <PROMPT:Enter output file name:=|file1.xml|file2.xml>


ofile = "temp/" + $*[0]  # $* is arguments

ofile =, "w")"\n").each do |a|
   ofile.print a + "\n"


exit 0



File name is

select a staff and run this script
then this will dump it into mini window

current directory is
C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Software\NoteWorthy Composer 2

Config directory is
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Noteworthy Software\nwc2\Config

without "exit" or with exit 0, output will replace the selection
  insertion(no selection) point will repace all starves
with "exit 99", output will be displayed in the mini window

add the following command line into Config file

Ruby STDIN Print=ruby.exe scripts\stdinprint.rb


print "This is a text""\n").each do |a|
   print a

exit 99   #Standard output
#exit 0   #nwc score output