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Topic: preview- staff lines mess up (Read 3190 times) previous topic - next topic

preview- staff lines mess up

Several staff lines are bleeding together... in the print preview.
The problem has nothing to do with Microsoft Word, but the preview itself. a few of the staff lines bleed together. They print the same way. I use 640x480. I tried windows standard vga driver. and then the trident for 800x600 with the same.
So... it remains a problem. Also I sent a midi file in the key of D to finale and it ended up with 5 sharps.!.!

Re: preview- staff lines mess up

Reply #1
Hmmm. Possibly a video driver problem (this is normally where these problems occur, even when it comes to printing, though it sounds pretty way-left-field to me...). I didn't mean to implicate MS Word except that if things are of too low "granularity", you just can't tell. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, then, when you say the lines bleed together. Can you do a screen capture, (PrintScreen button, in Win 95), strip it down to 16 colors and send me the gif file, so I can see what you mean?
wrt: the midi file, maybe you could zip up the NWC and send it. You really shouldn't have 5 sharps, and maybe it's Finale getting a little creative!


Re: preview- staff lines mess up

Reply #2
Could also be the printer driver - I've noticed I get different results with staff line spacings with different HP printer drivers - I am exporting .wmf files to Coreldraw - but I dont see why - it doesn't even seem logical.
With Finale - I'd say that was Finale's problem - I'm sure NWC exports the key signature in the conductor track in the correct MIDI format - you could try checking the Tools/Options/File Export as Track Signature option and see if that improves things.
Also is it possible that the staff sound transposition is active - the MIDI file generated is based on concert sound not the notes that appear on the staff and if the staff is transposed with the update sound option the staff key and MIDI output are unrelated.