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Topic: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols??? (Read 8386 times) previous topic - next topic

How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

How do you notate cres. as ""?

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #1
Graphical crescendo/decrescendo are not currently supported in NWC. For now, only the text versions of these instructions can be directly placed into a NWC score.

Regards, Support Staff

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #2
Sorry for possibly making the world's largest bump but what exactly is a crescendo?

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #4
So in other words it's like a gradual increase of volume?

Also, off-topic, did you REALLY register in 1994 or is that just a glitch or something?

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #6
Crescendo = Growing.
Hence the Red Crescent : it's the waxing (growing) moon.

French to grow = Croitre. That's where the French get the name of their moon-shaped roll from: croissant.
Same word, really.

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #7

Were you answering the question asking if it was a gradual volume increase, or the question asking if you actually registered in November 1994? I know the first version of NWC was released in October 1994 but I didn't think that forums even existed in 1994...

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #8
I have the most recent version of Noteworthy Composer (1.75c), but it doesn't appear to include a graphic crescendo or descescendo command (hairpin).  Am I missing something?

Re: How do we notate cres. and decres. as symbols???

Reply #9
I have the most recent version of Noteworthy Composer (1.75c), but it doesn't appear to include a graphic crescendo or descescendo command (hairpin).  Am I missing something?

Nope, NWC 1.75 does not have this feature.  However if you look into the NWC2 beta program ( ) this version does have hairpins, OR you could visit the helpful files section of the Scripto: and look for the file "" which has text symbols you might find useful.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.