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Topic: midi file import (Read 11365 times) previous topic - next topic

midi file import

Hei, I have a slight problem which I have been unabled to solve.  I have been given a midi file of a choir setup (SATB) together with the piano score etc. for our choir.  This is over 600 bars long and there are 8 channels (or staves in NWC).  The problem encountered is that every bar in every stave has it's own key and time signature - is this normal with midi input?  and how can I remove all of these which are unneccesary as I only want time or key signatures in bars when there are changes.  I know that I can remove these individually for each, but what a job!  I thought that maybe there would be some form of editing function when the midi file was imported, and maybe there is, but I can't find it.  Can anyone help please as I only have a short while in which to sort this out.  The composer/arranger died a couple of weeks ago so unfortunately I can't ask him for help!

Re: midi file import

Reply #1
That was done to keep you from using a program like NWC.

If you want to export it into a nwctxt file you can take out the extra stuff with a text editor.  To do it in NWC for each staff:
  • Cntrl/F and check "By Category" and select Time Signature or Key Signature
  • If you want do delete it, press Delete Key
  • Rock between the F3 key and Delete Key till end of staff. To skip a real object, press F3 w/o Delete.
  • Repeat for extra objects on each staff.

Hope this helps.
Since 1998

Re: midi file import

Reply #2
Noteworthy Composer is quite clever.

You might find that if, having imported the Midi File and found all those extra time signatures, you save it out (or export it) as a Midi File, Noteworthy strips out all the superfluous ones, so that when you then re-import it the File is OK.

MusicJohn, 9/Sep/09

Re: midi file import

Reply #3
Noteworthy Composer is quite clever.
Indeed it is. If you export this mess:
Code: [Select · Download]
It reimports nicely.

If you use this method, insert a Performance Style of Tenuto at the beginning of each staff.
See Using MIDI files that lack Key and/or Time Signatures more details.
Registered user since 1996

Re: midi file import

Reply #4
Hei again fromt the poser of the original question, The solution to the midi file import problem was as suggested.  I created an NWC file which I then exported as a midi file.  On importing this midi file again I "got rid of" everything that was superfluous, ie all of the key and time signatures which were not necessary.  Thanks for the help.

Re: midi file import

Reply #5
Thanks for the feedback. Some of the questions posed here require many minutes to posit a cogent answer, even for posters that have used Noteworthy for a decade or more. It helps to know when it has been worth the time and trouble. Kudos to MusicJohn. I was in the middle of a very labored response that was overtaken by his brilliance.
Registered user since 1996

Re: midi file import

Reply #6
And thanks to both of you.

MusicJohn, 9/Sep/09