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Topic: Tied notes into and across special endings (Read 5821 times) previous topic - next topic

Tied notes into and across special endings

I wonder how I can improve the looks of sustained, slurred of tied notes when there is a first ending with a master repeat followed by a second ending. The first notes of first measure of the second ending consist of those tied notes.

I invented a trick myself, but I hope some of you guys of girls have better looking plans.

My trick: I invent a note of the same pitch, put its visibility to "never", and its sound to "mute". I give it a slur/tie as well. Then I put the notes that need to be seen and heard. In printing it looks a bit like I want it to be. However, the slur/tie looks a bit too "short".

Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #1
If the notes are within a whole step, you can use this for the playing staff:
Adding a performance style of legato can help as well:
Since 1998


Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #3
I think there is a very brief silence between non-slurred or non-tied notes when no performance style is selected.  That silence lengthens to half the note time value when staccato is selected, somewhat less in marcato or detache, and is either entirely or nearly eliminated in legato.  I haven't tried to fine-tune NWC's default settings but I know that, for instance, Band-In-A-Box has that silence between notes adjustable along with several other attack, sustain, and decay parameters and anticipating the beat for jazz styles.

Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #4
I think there is a very brief silence between non-slurred or non-tied notes when no performance style is selected.
If this is supposed to explain how adding a performance style of legato will suppress the attack sound, it doesn't.
That silence lengthens to half the note time value when staccato is selected
For base durations (IOW, ignore augmentation dots) of an eighth note and longer, staccato notes are off far longer than they are on, For base durations of an sixteenth note and shorter, they are off ~1/3 of the total duration. What you actually hear depends on the instrument and synth.

AFAIK, NWC2's duration defaults cannot be changed by the user.

Registered user since 1996

Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #5
Mea Culpa.  Adding the legato only changed the link between measures and did nothing new between the slurred notes.  That was worth an oop or two.
Since 1998

Re: Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #6
For base durations (IOW, ignore augmentation dots) of an eighth note and longer, staccato notes are off far longer than they are on, For base durations of an sixteenth note and shorter, they are off ~1/3 of the total duration.

I find the staccatto playback to be too extreme.  Staccatto means detached, not very short.

Re: Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #7
I wonder how I can improve the looks of sustained, slurred of tied notes when there is a first ending with a master repeat followed by a second ending. The first notes of first measure of the second ending consist of those tied notes.
If you are referring to this situation:
I agree. The slur in the last measure starts in an awkward place. IMO, it should start higher and further to the left. In this case it should appear to be descending, not flat. I don't have a workaround for this, other than to cause it to disappear and use a User Font, or add a slur post-process.

My trick: I invent a note of the same pitch, put its visibility to "never", and its sound to "mute". I give it a slur/tie as well. Then I put the notes that need to be seen and heard. In printing it looks a bit like I want it to be. However, the slur/tie looks a bit too "short".
Could you post an example? Anywhere I put an extra, hidden note, it looks the same or worse.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Tied notes into and across special endings

Reply #8
The slur in the last measure starts in an awkward place.
Still worse, staves with identical content produce different results. (see attachment)
Registered user since 1996