Re: Tied notes into and across special endings
I wonder how I can improve the looks of sustained, slurred of tied notes when there is a first ending with a master repeat followed by a second ending. The first notes of first measure of the second ending consist of those tied notes.
If you are referring to this situation:
I agree. The slur in the last measure starts in an awkward place. IMO, it should start higher and further to the left. In this case it should appear to be descending, not flat. I don't have a workaround for this, other than to cause it to disappear and use a User Font, or add a slur post-process.
My trick: I invent a note of the same pitch, put its visibility to "never", and its sound to "mute". I give it a slur/tie as well. Then I put the notes that need to be seen and heard. In printing it looks a bit like I want it to be. However, the slur/tie looks a bit too "short".
Could you post an example? Anywhere I put an extra, hidden note, it looks the same or worse.