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Topic: How do I add lines to my staff? (Read 8713 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I add lines to my staff?

I'm trying to make a song, but it requires more than one line. Every time I click print preview, 90% of my song is cut off. Is anybody else having this problem?

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #1
G'day Brix,
welcome the both the forum and NWC.

Now, by more than 1 line do you mean:
a) more than 1 instrument OR
b) the staff should "wrap" it's way down the page?

If a) then there are ways to adjust staff size and spacing etc.

If b) then the view in the editor is NOT what you see on the page.  In the editor each staff (line) continues off to the right indefinitely.  Only when you go to print of preview it dos the staff get wrapped on the page.  If you are trying to treat the editor as a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor then it won't give you the results you are looking for.

I assume the answer is b) as this one crops up from time to time.  If I'm correct then perhaps this will help, note the second paragraph:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #2
      I am not exactly certain what you mean by "more than one line". Your heading says that you want to add lines to your staff, but then you refer to not seeing stuff in Print Preview.  
      A staff has a fixed number of lines, usually five in Western music.
      Print Preview, shows you how each page will look when it is printed, unlike the long ribbon of music which you see as you work when using Noteworthy to make or edit music.
      You can of course have more than one staff. stacked one above the other in your score as in a conventional piano score.      
      If your piece of music is not very short, then Print Preview will show you just the first page with one or more rows of one or more staffs; clicking on the "NEXT" button at the top of the Preview page will bring up the next page, and so on.  
      It is just possible, but very unlikely, that you have chosen a large "Staff Metric"  and the resulting staff, with its particular "Vertical Sizes" is too large to get more than one staff on each page of the chosen paper size.


Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #3
Thanks lawrie. you figured out my problem. However, I'm still having the same problem.


P.S. it is b

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #4
I'm not sure what you mean by "more than one line," either, but here's a guess: you have created a piece of music with more than one staff in it (such as a piano score, which normally has two staves); you've written a large number of measures; but when you hit "print preview" only the first few measures (or perhaps only the first couple of pages) show in the preview, and when you hit "print" only those same first few measures come out of the printer.

The main cause I know of for this behavior is that one or more of the visible staves in your music is shorter than the rest. NWC only sends complete staff systems to the printer. When any visible staff comes to an end, the program considers that the music has come to an end and stops printing, no matter how much music remains beyond that point in the other staves.

The solution is to fill out all your empty staves with rests so that every staff in the music is the same length.

This doesn't apply to hidden or layered staves, by the way; they can be as long or as short as you like. But if you expect any part of the staff to be seen, it - or at least, one layer of it - must continue to the end of the music.

Hope this helps -


Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #5
When any visible staff comes to an end, the program considers that the music has come to an end and stops printing, no matter how much music remains beyond that point in the other staves.
NWC stops printing when it has printed enough systems to print the topmost staff selected in Contents. The lengths of all other staves are irrelevent.

NWC only sends complete staff systems to the printer.
Requires a very tortured definition of "complete staff system." Create a staff with 2 measures. Add a staff with one measure. NWC will print it all. Is this a "complete system". Not in my book.

This doesn't apply to hidden or layered staves, by the way; they can be as long or as short as you like.
A short layered staff that is topmost truncates the printout to the same # of measures as an unlayered, topmost staff. If by "hidden", you mean not selected in Contents, you are correct. Only staves that have 'Visible parts: ' checked affect printing.

In summary, these can cause a song not to print to the end:
  • A short topmost staff
  • A measure that is wider than the page
  • Mismatched bar lines

Quote from: Staff
Quote from: Staff-1
As a 2 staff song, the above produces erratic output that varies considerably depending on which staff is topmost.
Registered user since 1996

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #6
G'day Brix,
Thanks lawrie. you figured out my problem. However, I'm still having the same problem.

P.S. it is b

OK, I guess the first question is how many staves have you created?  Just one, or are there several?  Just to be sure we're on the same page, how many staves do you see in the editor, no matter how long each staff is it should be counted.

If you have more than one staff are they all the same length?

If not, is the short one on the top?

An finally, the $64,000 question, have you understood what the user guide said about editing, especially that second paragraph I pointed you to in my last message?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #7
G'day Brix,
OK, I guess the first question is how many staves have you created?  Just one, or are there several?  Just to be sure we're on the same page, how many staves do you see in the editor, no matter how long each staff is it should be counted.

If you have more than one staff are they all the same length?

If not, is the short one on the top?

An finally, the $64,000 question, have you understood what the user guide said about editing, especially that second paragraph I pointed you to in my last message?

I have one staff(I play the trumpet).
I understood most of it, but there was the print logic link.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #8
G'day Brix,
in your sample folder |File|Open Samples|Jingle

This is Jingle Bells - 2 staves.

Check the preview.  Then hide the left hand (bass) staff (|File|Page Setup|Contents (tab)| and remove the 'x' in the "Part 2" box in Visible Parts).

Now, check the preview again - does it look correct in both cases?  If not, what is wrong?  Is the problem similar to your single staff Trumpet part?
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #9
Lawrie, you lost me on the end of line 4.

This part:
              and remove the 'x' in the "Part 2" box in Visible Parts).

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #10
Lawrie, you lost me on the end of line 4.

This part:
              and remove the 'x' in the "Part 2" box in Visible Parts).
When you get to Page Setup, the Contents tab may not be highlighted, "Fonts", "Options", etc. may be. Click on the (leftmost) Contents tab and you will see the checkboxes Lawrie told you about.

Since 1998


Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #11
Have you got any bar lines? Missing these out will stop the music wrapping too.


Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #12
This is true. Bar lines are necessary for printing. If you do not want bar lines in the final printed result, you can always hide them using Edit, Properties.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #13
A lot of bad information in this topic. If anyone is really interested in NoteWorthy's barline requirements, it is best done in a new topic.

These will also cause what Brix is describing:
  • a bad printer driver
  • a bad font

Try a different printer driver or re-install your printer driver.

The printer driver doesn't matter in the Editor. One can select any printer without changing what appears in the Editor display.

Print Preview relies on the driver of the selected printer. Printer drivers object to the way some fonts are designed. Many times they will simply quit printing if asked to render a glyph that the driver considers improperly defined.

Example: PostScript drivers will quit if asked to print a glyph with a negative width.

To check for bad fonts:
If your problem song uses other fonts, the problem may lie there. Try changing the other fonts in the song to 'Times New Roman'. If this prints, your problem is a font [...] Find out which font(s) and stop using it/them.
Registered user since 1996

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #14
A lot of bad information in this topic. If anyone is really interested in NoteWorthy's barline requirements, it is best done in a new topic.

The most likely cause for the originally identified problem is bar line related, usually combined with the use of multiple staves in an attempt to represent the printed view of a single part from within the NWC editor.

The simple test for detecting this situation: does your piece sound right when you play it back?

If you send your *.nwc file as an e-mail attachment to support, we can review it and e-mail our impressions back to you.

Re: How do I add lines to my staff?

Reply #15
The original problem:
I'm trying to make a song, but [when] I click print preview, 90% of my song is cut off.
Has been clarified by:
I have one staff(I play the trumpet).
I take this to mean that Page Setup has only one staff selected in 'Visible Parts:'
Others may have a different interpretation.

Please note that I did not write: "bad advice." I wrote: "bad information."
Registered user since 1996