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Topic: Ambit.vbs - Show notes found in selection (Read 9566 times) previous topic - next topic

Ambit.vbs - Show notes found in selection

This program shows the notes used. Ambit is the anglicized form of Ambitus. Usually this is used to find the range for a vocalist but, in my extended form, more useful data is provided.

After MIDI import, transposition or shifting of notes, one is usually must go through the entire staff to check for stange enharmonic note spellings. After fixing them, another search is usually needed to verify. This tool can expedite this.

It produces a short series of muted grace note clusters representing all the note/acccidental positions occurring in the selection. This varies if accidentals are forced. Both the forced and unforced results are useful.
Quote from: Ambit.vbs
Option Explicit ' Ambit.vbs, ver 1.1
' NWC2 UserTool to show all notes used in selection
' &Command: WScript Scripts\Ambit.vbs
' Reference:
' History:
' 2009-12-28: 2.1 Beta 5 aware (1.1)
' 2009-04-10: Initial release (1.0)
Const Template = "|Chord|Dur:Whole,Grace|Pos:?|Opts:Muted"
Dim d: Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim a1, a2, e, i, s
For Each e In Array("", "n", "b", "#", "x", "v")
  Set d(e) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim aIn: aIn = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
For i = 1 To UBound(aIn) - 2
  a1 = Split(aIn(i), "|")
  Select Case a1(1)
    Case "Note", "Chord", "RestChord"
      For Each e In Filter(a1, "Pos")
        For Each s In Split(Split(e, ":")(1), ",")
          a2 = aPos5(s)
          d(a2(0))(a2(0) & a2(1)) = ""
  End Select
For Each e In d
  s = Join(d(e).Keys, ",")
  If Len(s) Then aIn(0) = aIn(0) & vbCrLf & Replace(Template, "?", s)
If InStr(aIn(0), vbLf) Then aIn(0) = aIn(0) & vbCrLf & "|Bar|XBarCnt:Y"
WScript.Stdout.Write Join(aIn, vbCrLf)

Function aPos5(ByVal s) ' NotePos to array
  Dim r(4), e ' retval, element
  If InStr("nb#xv", Left(s, 1)) Then r(0) = Left(s, 1) ' accidental
  If InStr(s, "^") Then  r(3) = "^" ' tie
  If InStr(s, "!") Then r(4) = Mid(s, InStr(s, "!"), 2) ' color
  For Each e In r: s = Replace(s, e, "", 1, 1): Next
  If Not IsNumeric(s) Then r(2) = Right(s, 1) ' notehead
  r(1) = Replace(s, r(2), "")
  aPos5 = r ' acc, pos, head, tie, color
End Function

Rose.png shows the result for the Vocal staff of the sample file: Rose.nwc

Edit: 2009-12-28: made 2.1 Beta 5 aware (1.1), older version below.

Code: [Select · Download]
Option Explicit ' Ambit.vbs, ver 1.0
' NWC2 UserTool to show all notes used in selection
' &Command: WScript Scripts\Ambit.vbs

Const Template = "|Chord|Dur:Whole,Grace|Pos:?|Opts:Muted"
Dim d: Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim a1, a2, e, i, s
For Each e In Array("", "n", "b", "#", "x", "v")
  Set d(e) = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim aIn: aIn = Split(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll, vbCrLf)
For i = 1 To UBound(aIn) - 2
  a1 = Split(aIn(i), "|")
  Select Case a1(1)
    Case "Note", "Chord", "RestChord"
      For Each e In Filter(a1, "Pos")
        For Each s In Split(Split(e, ":")(1), ",")
          a2 = aPos(s)
          d(a2(0))(a2(0) & a2(1)) = ""
  End Select
For Each e In d
  s = Join(d(e).Keys, ",")
  If Len(s) Then aIn(0) = aIn(0) & vbCrLf & Replace(Template, "?", s)
If InStr(aIn(0), vbLf) Then aIn(0) = aIn(0) & vbCrLf & "|Bar|XBarCnt:Y"
WScript.Stdout.Write Join(aIn, vbCrLf)

Function aPos(s) ' NotePitchPos to array
  Dim test: test = Split("nb#xv ? oxXz ^")
  Dim r(3), c, i ' retval, char, index
  r(1) = s: c = Left(s, 1) ' acc?
  For Each i In Array(0, 3, 2)
    If InStr(test(i), c) Then r(i) = c
    r(1) = Replace(r(1), r(i), "", 1, 1)
    c = Right(r(1), 1) ' tie?, head?
  Next: aPos = r ' acc, pos, head, tie
End Function
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