Noteworthy Player v. Viewer 2009-03-04 10:38 AM Once upon a time - back in the days of NWC 1 - there was the Noteworthy Player, Version 1.75b of which is still downloadable from The Player can read, notate and play not only .NWC files but also .MID and .RMI files. Now, as part of the package associated with NWC2, there is the Viewer, Version 2.0 of which is available from The Viewer seems to play ONLY .NWC Files (1 or 2), and NOT to play .MID files. That seems rather sad - and odd, considering that .MID Files can be loaded into NWC2 itself! As an aside, I see that the Noteworthy Site map includes two pointers to the Player (the page above) but no pointer to the Viewer! Any comment? MusicJohn, 4/Mar/09 Quote Selected
Re: Noteworthy Player v. Viewer Reply #1 – 2009-03-05 01:10 AM Personally, I think that the viewer is more useful for us-most of us use NWC2, for which the player is ineffective. About the issue of .MID and .RMI files, I think there are enough other players for those that it's not particularly bad (although it would be a nice gesture). Quote Selected
Re: Noteworthy Player v. Viewer Reply #2 – 2009-03-05 02:25 PM Going back even further than that - I remember when the player allowed you to have two windows on the same score.That was handy for watching 2 staves that were not close to each other.Oh well ! I miss that, but I don't suppose there is much call for it. Quote Selected