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Topic: How to input Semiquaver ? (Read 5727 times) previous topic - next topic

How to input Semiquaver ?

I'm new with this stuff. Please help me. I would like to input the Semiquaver but how. Thank you very much.

Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #1
Hi - welcome

The semiquaver (English nomenclature) is the same as the note that's called a 16th in most of the world and in NoteWorthy.

In the notes displayed in NoteWorthy, click on the semiquaver (the one with two tails).  If you hover over it, you should see "sixteenth".
Also make sure that the red notehead is selected (not the cross or the diamond etc)

Now, position the cursor where you want the note and press the enter key - you will now have entered a semiquaver.

Further example, on the treble clef, if you position the cursor on the middle line and press enter, you will have a semiquaver of pitch value "b" (as long as you have not keys that change the pitch or other accidentals active).

Also - please note that if you use the NWC Help / search and search for "NWC duration names equivalency chart", you will be given all of the name conversions for the English note equivalents.

Hope this helps.


Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #2
Thank you Richard Woodroffe for the best Hint ever.

Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #3
I did as you told about How to search more "NWC duration names equivalency chart" but it did not give me the  search for "Long = 4 measure ) and the "Breve = Double"

Please help. Thanks

Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #4
I did as you told about How to search more "NWC duration names equivalency chart" but it did not give me the  search for "Long = 4 measure ) and the "Breve = Double"

Probably because NWC does not use them (there's not much that does these days).

For a breve, use two tied whole notes. For a long, use 4.
There are also ways of faking the visual aspect of this if really necessary - but that can get quite tricky - so for the moment, just use tied whole notes.


Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #5
Thank you Richard. I think so. Will do that.
BTW, I has noticed I use same piece of music but with diff software such as Finale notepad, the  Noteworthy sound faster with 4/4. Don't know it is true or not.

Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #6
Hi ntvh;
   Are you setting a particular tempo for the piece? If not it could be a difference in the default tempo setting between the two pieces of software. I believe NWC defaults to quarter note = 120 for 4/4 if no tempo is specifically set. You can add tempo by going to Insert/Tempo and then set the Base and Tempo. For 4/4 time Base would be quarter and then play with the tempo settings. the large the number the faster the tempo. Conversly the lower the number the slower the tempo.
   If you are already setting a specific tempo in both I am not sure why one would sound faster or slower
   Hope this helps a little, and welcome to the wonderful world of NWC.

Illigitimi Non Carborundum

Re: How to input Semiquaver ?

Reply #7
Welcome aboard, NTVH.

Nobody's mentioned it yet in this thread, but some of us find keyboard entry is quicker, easier and more efficient than using the mouse. 

With that in mind, use the left, right, up and down arrows to position the cursor where you want your next note.  Then, select the note value with your numeric keypad.  1 = whole, 2= half, 3=quarter, 4=eighth, 5=sixteenth, 6=32nd.  Then press Enter for a note, or Space for a rest. 

If you need a 64th, select a note already set for a different value, and press the minus key one or more times to cut the value in half until you get to the 64th.  To increase a note value, select it, then press the plus key.

Continuing with the numeric pad, 7=natural, 8=flat, 9=sharp.

Using the control key and the up or down arrows will jump up or down an octave.  Page up or page down will move you to the staff above or below, and Control and Page up/down will move the active staff up or down your score.