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Topic: Accidentals during Midi Input (Read 4013 times) previous topic - next topic

Accidentals during Midi Input

When playing in to Noteworthy composer via my keyboard, all the accidentals come out as sharps. This is OK for a bit, but is a bit tough when a piece played in A flat major comes out in G sharp major-ish. Has anyone got a way to specify whether you want sharps of flats before you start recording? Or maybe recording in a specific key?

Re: Accidentals during Midi Input

Reply #1
Did you try to set the key signature before ??
if yes, then try this:
1. Set the key sig. to C Maj (nothing)
2. Record your work
3. Use Tools/Force Accidentals
4. Edit the KeySig to what you want.
5. Use Tools/Audit Accidentals.

Then A# should be replaceb by Bb when you got flats in the key sig.

HTH (you can also refer to older messages about transposition, and enterring via keyboard. Already discussed many times),


Re: Accidentals during Midi Input

Reply #2
marsu wrote:
> 5. Use Tools/Audit Accidentals.

I think it should rather be:
5. Transpose 0 semitones.