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Topic: How to remove text from "layering.nwc"  (Read 3714 times) previous topic - next topic

How to remove text from "layering.nwc"

L. S.!

In layering.nwc I tried to remove the text "This is the soprano part [...] etc.".
But in vain!

Who helps me to succeed?

Thanks in advance!



Re: How to remove text from "layering.nwc"

Reply #1
Greetings Mazzeltov;
   The text is actually entered as lyrics on the corresponding staff. First you have to temporarily remove the layering to be able to select each staff. To do this click View/Allow Layering. This will show the 4 separate staves. Click on the first staff to select it then type <ctrl>l, press the Ctrl key and the L key at the same time. This will open the Staff Lyrics control. click on the lyric 1 tab and delete the test in the box. Repeat this procedure for each staff. TO reapply the layering click View/allow layering again and it will be restored. It can also be done by clicking the Page Setup icon which will open the Page Setup conrol and click the check box to Allow Layering. The icon looks like an open book and is on the left side vertical toolbar in the default setup.
   Hope this helps and welcome to the forum.

Illigitimi Non Carborundum

Re: How to remove text from "layering.nwc"

Reply #2
Depends on what I actually want to do but I usually just use PageUp and PageDown keys to move between layers. This avoids the effort of separating them and also allows rests etc to be moved to a suitable position for printing.

In scanned music, the software I use isn't always consistent about the part it puts in each layer. When the parts are mixed up, it's more convenient to separate the layers, move the music around between staves and then re-layer.



Nil illigitemae carborundum

Re: How to remove text from "layering.nwc"

Reply #3
Both methods work. For beginners, the first method is more clear.
But yes, without disabling layers, it's simply
Go to first staff, hit Ctrl-L, remove lyrics
hit PgDn, hit Ctrl-L, remove lyrics
and so on.