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Topic: Unable to save files (Read 4229 times) previous topic - next topic

Unable to save files

I have been wracking my little brain trying to figure out what I have done wrong, but have been unable to solve this problem. I recently purchased a new computer and immediately installed NWC 1.75 and then the upgrade to NWC2 which I have been using since it came out. I then moved all of my NWC2 files into the program. When I open a file from the SAMPLES folder that comes with the program, make a change and save, these are the messages that come up:
1. This file has changed, do you wish to save it? (yes)
2. This is a read only file. Try anyway?  (yes)
3. Unable to create a BAK backup for this file. Save anyway? (yes)
4. This file failed to be properly saved.

If I start a new file and go to save it, I see this string of messages:
1. This file has changed, do you wish to save it? (yes)
2. C:\ProgramFiles\NoteWorthComposer2\SAMPLES\SONG2.nwc You don't have permission to save in this location.
Contact the administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the Duncan folder instead? (no)

At some point, I don't remember exactly what the flow of operations was, I saw a message saying something like the Autosave operation failed. What gives?
I am using Vista premium home edition. TIA - D

Re: Unable to save files

Reply #1
Looks like a permissions problem. To use the default NWC installations you need to have write and create permission for:
  • C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer
  • C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2

You can work around this by changing:

but this will result in a non-standard installation which may be confusing.

IMO, it is better to get permissions for the program folders.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Unable to save files

Reply #2
With regard to NWC2:
You shouldn't be trying to save into the NWC2 Samples folder. I would recommend that you keep all of your own files in a separate folder not connected with your program files. You are probably using Vista, which tends to encourage this behaviour. Consider going to Tools, Options, Folders and changing your locations accordingly.


Re: Unable to save files

Reply #3
I was going to get permissions to write to those folders but found that Microsoft has hidden the Administrator account pretty well in Vista. It is not a simple procedure to log on as administrator as in XP and earlier versions and I understand that if you don't do it just right, because of a bug in the program, you can be locked out of windows altogether. While I get the reasoning behind this move, it seems quite intrusive to say the least. I'm sure the hackers in time will find their way around this overprotective measure like they do everything else. At any rate, I see the wisdom of keeping song files seperate from the program so I am just going to go with that option, even though it is a little inconvenient. Thanks for the advice.