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Topic: Future Plans for NWC2?  (Read 6621 times) previous topic - next topic

Future Plans for NWC2?

Greetings developers,

I'm asking myself, and think its for public interest, what are the plans for version 2 final and beyond that.
I think you've got a lot of feature request and you have a lot ideas. But I can't find anything about the future. Besides that I don't have a clue what team is beyond the NWC. How many persons, is it a full time job etc. ?

To be honest I must admit that I'm a linux user and I'm not statisfied with closed source software and such relative(!!!!) slow-developing programms like the NWC. I searched a lot for a substitute but there a noprogramms like the NWC, so thats why I'm still here and using the NWC as last closed source programm.

Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #1
There is quite a difference between
   "there a now programs like the NWC"
   "there a no programs like the NWC"
In fact, they are quite opposite. I assume you mean "no programs?"

We all have been led to believe that Eric, the developer only known by his first name, is the owner of the source and the sole developer. It's all fine that open source is for the public interest, but what's in it for Eric? I don't think that nwc makes him rich, but what if it became open source?
I, for one, hope that rights to the source-ownership and such matters are well taken care of, so that if Eric goes out in is car and he meets a tree that has right of way, the development of NWC is not dead for ever.


Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #2
Of course I meant "no" programs. I corrected it in the initial post.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want this thread to be a pro/contra open source thing.  I may not like closed source, but I bought the NWC so there is no question in that :) There are ways to live from open source, donations etc. See some linux audio programs like Ardour. But thats not the thread meaning.

The focus for me is the further development, features etc.

Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #3
I suspect that NWC development will be "as Eric can fit it in".  In my view, it's obvious that Eric is a bright person, who has designed some software that bright people (that's us) like to use.  I know we're bright, because of our forum content and manner.  I know Eric is bright for the same reasons, and because he's written software that works really well for bright people.

But because Eric is a bright person, he will have a thousand other projects, each equally interesting.  I'd say, that like most of us, he's idea-rich and time-poor.

That's my bright idea, anyway!

Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #4
Steele, could you just edit that again, please?
should be with an extra space and only one m...
   no programs
just for the esthetical hell of it.

I am in favour of open source programs - sure! I just don't see the transition in a way that will please Eric.
You are right that NWC in an open source society would develop at nearly the speed of light. But how do we get there? Puzzling.


Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #5
Still, I don't want to discuss open source or not :) The original question was if there is a roadmap for nwc avaible.

Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #6
The original question was if there is a roadmap for nwc avaible

No.  I'm pretty sure NWC is a one-man show, and probably more of a hobby than a business for the developer.  He doesn't announce his plans in advance, likely to avoid disappointing us if something doesn't work. 

I'm not so sure it's a slow-developing program.  We see improvements almost monthly.  It's come a long, long way since version 1.3.

Futures and Policies

Reply #7
It has been a long standing Noteworthy Software policy not to discuss feature planning in the context of a "road map" or other similar futuristic terms. When we were first founded, the software industry was loaded with vapor, so this seemed like a good idea. In my opinion, the policy has stood the test of time. So, we generally announce new features when they are available. There have been a few exceptions, but this is pretty rare.

Another policy that has evolved over the years is the avoidance of "why" debates.

Re: Future Plans for NWC2?

Reply #9
The introduction of nwctxt, now makes NWC2 a program of open data, a significant achievement. The user now has complete control of the data and can configure or convert it as he pleases (or is able to). Anyone interested in "an open source society" can start submitting tools and utilities.

I suspect that, in time, the binary format will disappear. The uncompressed format will be nwctxt and the compressed format will be compressed nwctxt. Not much sense in keeping "two sets of books" that can only get out of balance. The current compression routine is undocumented, but not indecipherble. There may be a console converter, something like NwcInfo on steriods. The battle between power and ease of use will continue. Not quite a roadmap, but a likely "lay of the land."

I see that NoteWorthy has made a rare response to this question while I was writing. I agree with it.  How bad would it look if promised new features were put on hold while NoteWorthy had to spend most of the last 6 months fine tuning NWC1 and 2 for Vista.
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