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Topic: 16th Flag alignment when layering (Read 6550 times) previous topic - next topic

16th Flag alignment when layering

Some of the (4 voice) hymns I am notating require the use of layering. I am printing them showing treble and bass staves only. This means that flagged note stems lengths have to be adjusted to get flags to align. 8th note flags align correctly when the appropriate stem is lengthened, without any adjustment to the other layered note stem.

However, 16th flags do not align correctly when layering, unless "override stem length" is checked for the shorter of the pair of layered notes. The normal stem length for a 16th note shows as 7, but checking  "override stem length". without altering the value, actually shortens the stem slightly. This results in correct flag alignment with the other (lengthened stem)  on the layered staff.

I am using beta 19 on Vista 32.

Another anomaly that has appeared with beta 19, is that the selection highlight on selected areas/notes does not always clear when moving the insertion point (either with the keyboard or the mouse.  I installed a new Logitech Bluetooth MX 5000 keyboard/mouse combo at about the same time as beta 19 and this issue may be related to that, rather than the beta. The selection highlight clears after inserting a note, or other its\em, so is not serious.


Re: 16th Flag alignment when layering

Reply #1
The stem/flag shortening is due to NWC2's current structure. Default stem lengths are not always an integer, but overrides are. I would guess that this will be fixed before final release. My preference is for non-integral overrides.

The problem of the screen not always resetting when the selection changes is a longstanding problem for NoteWorthy. F9 almost always fixes things.

A similar problem was discussed <here>. IMO, it is useful to report these if they are describable and repeatable, but I would not be surprised to see these crop up now and again. IOW, get used to it.
Registered user since 1996

Re: 16th Flag alignment when layering

Reply #3
Hello mod.

For my edification, what are you trying to do here?  When I put four part harmony on two staves one voice on each staff is all stem up and the other all stem down, so getting the flags to line up is not an issue.


Re: 16th Flag alignment when layering

Reply #4
Hello mod.

For my edification, what are you trying to do here?  When I put four part harmony on two staves one voice on each staff is all stem up and the other all stem down, so getting the flags to line up is not an issue.

The hymns I have notated have multiple verse lyrics, so I couldn't afford the space that stem up/stem down takes. I also prefer the appearance of chords with stems in the same direction. I know there are exceptions - when notes of different duration form part of a chord. Sorry for the delay in replying - I've been away from the forum for a while.