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Topic: user tools starter kit (Read 10179 times) previous topic - next topic

user tools starter kit

how do you make the starter kit work? i installed it and nothing happened.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #1
how do you make the starter kit work? i installed it and nothing happened.

Umm, a bit more information is needed really...  However in the hope of answering your question with a "shotgun" effect...

A standard installation of the starter kit will result in several user tools being installed and made available from the <Alt-F8> or the |Tools|User Tool...| menu option dialogue.

Once in the dialogue, you have the option to select from the installed tools or to create new invocations for existing or new tools or to edit existing invocations.  Whew - that was a mouthful!

The starter kit installs several tools (unfortunately I don't remember all of them but this was the list as at V1.1):
  • Arpeggiate
  • Compound Autobeam
  • Global Modification
  • Parts
  • Ranges
  • Retrograde
  • Statistics
  • Transpose Chords
  • Variable Dump

Ok, now once the tools are available then ya gotta learn how to use 'em.  Mostly they have instructions embedded which are accessible when you run the tool by entering "help" (no quote of course) into the dialogue box.  If there is no dialogue then there is either no embedded help or none was considered necessary.

By far the most powerful, and thus the most complex to use is "Global Modification".  Lots of use have delved into using this one and there is a lot of info in our heads - just ask if you have a specific requirement that you can't figure out.

Others like "Variable Dump" just run.  "Variable Dump" is invaluabe when trying to work out how you should word "Global Modification" commands.

My personal most used tools are:
  • Global Mod,
  • Transpose Chords,
  • Variable Dump
  • Parts

Hopefully I've mentioned something that has struck a chord with you.

BTW, there is some good info on the Scripto as well as some additional tools:

There are also some additional tools on this forum and some have been released on the NG.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #2
ok the problem is that when i open tools, user tools, theres nothing there at all. no options to choose from. i tried installing it again and nothing happened. any idea what the problem might be?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #3
If you look in your programs folder under the entry for NoteWorthy Composer 2, there will be a scripts folder.
This is the folder all the user tools reside in.

If this is empty or if you do not have a scripts directory then the user tools have not been installed properly.

(Did you have full access to the Programs folder when you ran the user tools installation ?)


Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #4
ok the problem is that when i open tools, user tools, theres nothing there at all. no options to choose from. i tried installing it again and nothing happened. any idea what the problem might be?

The only thing I can think of is if your "Noteworthy Composer 2" directory isn't in it's installed/original location...

Some things to check:

First the location of NWC2:
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Select your "C:" drive
  • Navigate to "Program Files"
  • does "Noteworthy composer 2" exist as a subdirectory?

If not, then NWC2 is not in it's original or default installed location - this may be the problem...

In either case, confirm the location of the user tools:
Assuming NWC2 is in it's default location:
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Select your "C:" drive
  • Navigate to "Program Files\Noteworthy composer 2"
  • does "PHP" exist as a subdirectory?
  • does "Scripts" exist as a subdirectory?

If either "PHP" or "Scripts" are not there then I suspect that the user tools starter kit install did not go well...  OR it didn't go to the default location...  This may be 'cos NWC2 is not in it's default - can't be sure of this as I have never installed to a non-default location.

Anyhow, if they aren't there then right click on your NWC2 icon and go to it's properties dialogue.

In there on the "Shortcut" tab you should be able to read the "Target" - This will positively locate the install directory of NWC2 - if it is not the default go to that location and repeat the above check for the "PHP" and "Scripts" directories.

If it is the default location then go to there (C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Composer 2) in explorer and look for a "Config" directory.  Open that directory and look for a file called "nwc2UserTools.ini".

If "nwc2UserTools.ini" doesn't exist then you have a problem - that is where the user tool invocations are defined.  If it is there then open it with Notepad - DO NOT SAVE IT WHEN YOU EXIT incase you accidentally make some changes.

It should contain some lines that look like this:

Arpeggiate (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php
Retrograde (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Retrograde.php
Statistics (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_StatisticsReport.php
Variable Dump for Developers (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_VarDump.php
Compound Autobeam (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_CompAutoBeam.php <PROMPT:Enter your time signatures:=*help>
Global Modification (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>
Parts (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Parts.php <PROMPT:Enter desired action:=|remove|retain> <PROMPT:Enter desired voice:=|top|bottom> <PROMPT:Pass single parts (remove option to allow):=*nosingle>
Ranges (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Ranges.php <PROMPT:Enter your range option:=|none|separate|help>
Transpose Chords (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php <PROMPT:Enter your transpose options:=*help>

Let me know the result...

Edit: G'day Richard, looks like you posted while I was typing...  you said it much simpler than me...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #5
The starter kit installer will detect that an existing copy of NWC2 is present or it will not install.

There are two scenarios that could cause a successfull install to not show up in the program:

  • The most likely cause of this problem would be having multiple copies of NWC2 installed. This could cause updates and user tool installation into a copy of NWC2 that you are not actually using. The prior tips give you a good indication on where to look.

  • Another possible cause for this would be that you set a new location for Config files from Tools, Options, Folders. If you then installed the starter kit from another user account, you might successfully have the scripts, but not the automatic config to use them.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #6
The Noteworthy Composer 2 folder is in the program files folder. when i open the NWC2 folder PHP and scripts are folders. when i open the php folder i see four items and when i open the scripts folder i see all the commands that should be showing up when running the program and some fonts that i've installed. it looks like everything is where you guys say it should be. but it's still not working. got any other ideas?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #7
G'day Shigglebiddy,
what about the "C:\Program Files\Noteworthy Composer 2\Config\nwc2UserTools.ini" file?

Is it there and what does it contain?

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #8
You should have a nwc2UserTools.ini that looks something like this:

Code: [Select · Download]

About Starter Kit (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_About.php
Arpeggiate (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php
Retrograde (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Retrograde.php
Statistics (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_StatisticsReport.php
Variable Dump for Developers (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_VarDump.php
Compound Autobeam (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_CompAutoBeam.php <PROMPT:Enter your time signatures:=*help>
Global Modification (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>
Parts (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Parts.php <PROMPT:Enter desired action:=|remove|retain> <PROMPT:Enter desired voice:=|top|bottom> <PROMPT:Pass single parts (remove option to allow):=*nosingle>
Ranges (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Ranges.php <PROMPT:Enter your range option:=|none|separate|help>
Transpose Chords (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php <PROMPT:Enter your transpose options:=*help>
Unjazzify (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Unjazzify.php
Visibility (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Visibility.php "/visibility=<PROMPT:Set Visibility to:=|Default|Always|TopStaff|Never|>" "/skip=<PROMPT:Skip:=|None|Bar|Bar,Text|Bar,Text,Flow,Ending|>"

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #9
You might try this:

  • from Explorer, Open a song into NWC2
  • from NWC2, invoke: Tools->User Tool...->New...
  • in the Name: box, type: Test
  • in the Command: box, type: Notepad
  • click on: Ok, then Run

This should launch an instance of NotePad.
If that worked, search for: nwc2UserTools.ini
If you find multiple copies, look for the one with Test='Notepad' in it.
If found, this is where NWC2 expects nwc2UserTools.ini to be. Delete this one and move your real copy of nwc2UserTools.ini there.

If NotePad does not launch, consider re-installing NWC2.
Registered user since 1996

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #10
About Starter Kit (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_About.php
Arpeggiate (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php
Retrograde (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Retrograde.php
Statistics (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_StatisticsReport.php
Unjazzify (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Unjazzify.php
Variable Dump for Developers (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_VarDump.php
Compound Autobeam (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_CompAutoBeam.php <PROMPT:Enter your time signatures:=*help>
Global Modification (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>
Parts (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Parts.php <PROMPT:Enter desired action:=|remove|retain> <PROMPT:Enter desired voice:=|top|bottom> <PROMPT:Pass single parts (remove option to allow):=*nosingle>
Ranges (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Ranges.php <PROMPT:Enter your range option:=|none|separate|help>
Transpose Chords (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php <PROMPT:Enter your transpose options:=*help>
Visibility (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Visibility.php "/visibility=<PROMPT:Set Visibility to:=|Default|Always|TopStaff|Never|>" "/skip=<PROMPT:Skip:=|None|Bar|Bar,Text|Bar,Text,Flow,Ending|>"
Demo - Prompting for User Input (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_PromptExample.php "/opt1=<PROMPT:Prompt 1: Select an option from this list:=|Quarter|8th|16th|32nd>" "/opt2=<PROMPT:Prompt 2: Enter a number=#[0,15]>" "/opt3=<PROMPT:Prompt3: Enter some text=*>"

thats what it says in the config. folder, NWC user tools.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #11
i copied and pasted the code that noteworthy online admin posted into the config. folder, user tools folder, after i deleted the one i had in there originally and the tools are now showing up. thanks for all the help guys. now, could anyone help with with utilizing the parts tools?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #12
G'day Shigglebiddy,
that looks fine to me...  I believe it should be working.  

Given that it isn't working, then I think the test that Rick suggested is a very good idea at this juncture.

The test will confirm that NWC is looking in the same place as you are.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #13
Aha, you musta posted while I was writin'.

Glad it's working for you now, only thing I can think of is that the .ini file was corrupted - perhaps there was an embedded <Ctrl-Z> at the start of the file (Chr$26 or <Ctrl-Z> is a common EOF marker in text files)

As for learnin' how to use the tools, any that have a dialogue when you run them will usually accept a "help" argument.  As they were written by programmers, then you can be sure that the help is somewhat cryptic <G,D&R>

There is much expertise available from the users of this forum AND the News Group.

Also, on the Scripto there is much assistance:

If you visit the page for each tool (most of the ones in the starter kit are also listed here) there is additional information.

Andrew's "Gerneral Discussion":

And my own "Invocation Instructions":

both contain much that could be useful.


RE PARTS - I actually use this as an extensive example in the "Invocation Instructions" document - I may have already answered your questions there.

Otherwise, the parts tool is used to seperate chords.  It works extremely well.  You can:
  • Remove the top notes
  • Remove the bottom notes
  • Keep the top notes
  • Keep the bottom notes
  • Replace "single" notes with a rest when "Removing" top or bottom
  • Affect parts of chords that meet a specific "Pos" criteria
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #14
Thanks, Lawrie. Is there any way to take the the bottom notes or top notes and put them on different staves using that tool?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #15
Thanks, Lawrie. Is there any way to take the the bottom notes or top notes and put them on different staves using that tool?


What you do is copy the staff in it's entirety to another staff - several times if you're seperating several voices, then run the tool across each staff with the appropriate paramaters...

So, if you had a 4 part harmony on one staff, then you would make 4 copies (I always like to have the original untouched)

On the first staff, use parts with a "retain top" paramater...
On the second staff use parts with a "remove top" paramater, then run again with a "retain top" paramater...
On the third staff use parts with a "remove bottom" paramater, then run again with a "retain bottom" paramater...
Finally, on the fourth staff run parts with a "retain bottom" paramater.

Now, by referring back to your original staff you can see if the end result is what you wanted - E.G. some locations may have had only 3 notes in the chord instead of 4 and you may not like the choices the tool made - as you have the original staff as reference you can adjust to taste very easily.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #16
sorry to keep having trouble with this. but the user tools aren't showing up yet again. i tried the test that rick suggested and the notepad did launch. i've tried everything you've suggested. there's only one NWC2 program installed on my computer. maybe something interesting: i installed it on my laptop and the tools work just fine on the NWC2 installed on there. i just hate working on there. anyway, anyone have any last suggestions?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #17
Having tried Rick's test, did you search for the "alternative" nwc2UserTools.ini file location - if there is one?

Better still, can you attach a copy of your current nwc2UserTools.ini file in a reply so I can look at it.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.


Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #18
i searched nwc2UserTools.ini and my computer came up with only one file. and it was in the right place, where i've been finding it. it wont let me upload the config settings file. is it the text that you want to see? here's what it looks like:

About Starter Kit (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_About.php
Arpeggiate (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php
Retrograde (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Retrograde.php
Statistics (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_StatisticsReport.php
Unjazzify (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Unjazzify.php
Variable Dump for Developers (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_VarDump.php
Visibility (nwsw)=php\php.exe scripts\nwsw_Visibility.php "/visibility=<PROMPT:Set Visibility to:=|Default|Always|TopStaff|Never|>" "/skip=<PROMPT:Skip:=|None|Bar|Bar,Text|Bar,Text,Flow,Ending|>"
Compound Autobeam (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_CompAutoBeam.php <PROMPT:Enter your time signatures:=*help>
Global Modification (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_GlobalMod.php <PROMPT:Enter your global modification expression:=*help>
Parts (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Parts.php <PROMPT:Enter desired action:=|remove|retain> <PROMPT:Enter desired voice:=|top|bottom> <PROMPT:Pass single parts (remove option to allow):=*nosingle>
Ranges (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_Ranges.php <PROMPT:Enter your range option:=|none|separate|help>
Transpose Chords (adp)=php\php.exe scripts\adp_TransposeChords.php <PROMPT:Enter your transpose options:=*help>

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #19
G'day Shigglebiddy,
actually, I want the file itself...  Zipped would be best so there is no text type processing of it in any intermediary steps.

I'll send you a PM with my email addy so you can email it to me...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #20
sorry to keep having trouble with this. but the user tools aren't showing up yet again.

Since you had this working (reference reply 11), the obvious question is what changed that caused this new problem? What version of Windows are you using? Are you using a limited user account on the system, or an Admin account?

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #21
Since you had this working (reference reply 11), the obvious question is what changed that caused this new problem?

that's the question i was asking too. i copied the text for the config file that you posted in an older post into the usertools.ini file--that did the trick before--but it didn't help this time. i made sure that everything in the NWC2 folder on my computer looked identical to the NWC2 folder on my laptop since the tools work on there. everything looks the same but something still seems to be wrong.
i'm using Windows XP and my account is a comp. admin. account. hope that helps.

Re: user tools starter kit

Reply #22
Obviously, something is missing. Since it previously worked, I would recommend that you check your Folder settings from Tools, Options.