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Topic: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10) (Read 7851 times) previous topic - next topic

Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Put each clip on a separate staff.
Hold down: Ctrl+Shift and alternate between PgUp and PgDn
Observe how the length of the tie changes.
The problem is the "G". (assuming a treble clef)
It takes up more space when it is invisible.
This should not happen.
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Registered user since 1996


Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #1
Very odd behavior.  Confirmed that this does not occur with Beta 2.07.  Seems to follow along the same coding issue as you highlighted in your posting regarding spacing problems ( This a bit annoying and I would agree that it probably should not be happening.

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #2
I am looking into this.

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #3
This effect is created by the neighbor spacing scheme utilized in NWC2. The scheme will be tweaked in beta 2.11 in an attempt to improve spacing with hidden neighboring items.

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #4
I think NWC2 should strive for this in the edit window:
  • All objects should have some minimum selection width.
  • Objects should not become wider when made invisible.

A good minimum selection width might be the anchor width. If a user wanted a different width, he/she could use a font editor to change the anchor.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #5
Hidden rests/notes will now take considerably less width in the editor.

Our goal for hidden items in NWC2: In print, the actual space occupied by a selection section that includes hidden notes should never exceed the space occupied by that same selection section with the hidden items deleted.

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #6
I'm confused. In print I can't select anything.

In the editor, invisble objects need some space, otherwise how can they be selected with a mouse?  In Beta 2.10:
  • It is difficult to select an invisible single barline with a mouse.
  • Clicking on the insertion point at the end of the staff is a problem with: Ending Bar: Open (hidden)
Experienced users can use the keyboard, but new users will expect to do these things with a mouse.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #7
I agree with Rick's first comment.

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Try to select the invisible bar line with the mouse.

Re: Spacing bugs (Beta 2.10)

Reply #8
Perhaps "selection" was a poor word choice. I have changed it to section.

The next release will include a minimum width for bar lines in the editor. Hopefully, that will be more helpful.