Re: Hopefully one of oir virtuosos can explain this
Reply #2 –
What you have to do when you use chords on a staff is to treat each chord as a unit and count that unit. do not think of it as stem up counts and stem down counts - as you suspect - that does not always work.
In your example,using stem up countng and stem down counting, stem up gets you 4 beats, stem down gets you 4 beats - seems ok. But - you need to use unit counting (the smallest value for each unit). In the first group (unit) the smallest timing is two beats, the second unit has two beats and the last unit has one beat - a total of 5 beats - no good for a 4 beat measure.
What you need to do is to correct this so that all of the units add up to the time sig. In this case, you need to make the quarter note play only 1 beat after the single half note note sounds. So you need to make the half note add up to one beat rather than the two beats it naturally does. To do this, you need to make it a chord with a rest such that the lowest unit value is 1 beat.
Like this :
In music publishing, this is not displayed like this and so might not end up as you would like to see it.
The other way of balencing chorded measures without doing this is to use layering.
If you have all stem up measures in one layer and stem down measures in a second layer, then you won't need to do all this, but you may need to adjust the horizontal position of a note slightly when the notes are in close proximity (pitch wise)
So in your case
Put all the stem up notes in one staff
Put the stem down notes in a second staff
Put your cursor on the first staff. Go to the properties of the staff , the visual tab (ALT and Enter, then select the visual tab)
Check the "Layer with next staff" box.
You will see that the lower staff now overlays the upper one. (If it doesn't check the view menu to check that you have "Allow layering" selected)
But you will have clashing notes (A/B chord assuming treble clef)
Go to the view menu and uncheck "Allow layering" (quickest way to unlayer)
Highlight the A in the second staff and go to the properties for that note.
Enter 1 in the Extra note spacng box - click ok
Go to the view menu and check "View Layering"
This should now look as you would expect it to.