Display staff for two note tremolos using layering. 2006-08-23 07:45 PM Most of us are used to using a hidden staff as a sounding staff with with a display staff to attempt the more tricky visual note interpretations. Two note tremolos are one example of this. However, in this case, the display staff is usually littered with chorded rests which look ugly and detracts from the music. This is because in order to get the visual interpretation of a tremolo, the individual notes have to be half their time value in order to display both notes of the tremolo and fit in the time signature of the measure. The only way that the note can have half the time value is to form a chord with a rest half the value of the note. Unfortunately, the rest cannot be made invisible.Some users use post processing and "white out" the rests. This is fine when there are not too many tremolos but a pain if there are quite a few. In addition, it would be so much easier if the rest could be moved below the lines of the staff for easy "whiting out". This can be done if the vertical position of the rest is adjusted before making the chord up but it is a trial and error process, never knowing exactly where the rest will end up.Here is a solution that does away with the rests but uses layering instead. The music looks much better, not perfect, just better. The trick is to use layering. On the top layer is the left hand note. On the bottom layer is the right hand note. At first this would be directly over the top note, but you must add extra note spacing to this right hand note. Add the maximum allowed (3). This just about gives enough space to add the tremolo sign using Lawrie's SwingDings.In addition, where the right hand note needs an accidental, you will need to insert a text version. This is because a real accidental on the note will be offset by three spaces to the left. Accidentals on the left hand note will not need to be treated in this way.This workaround can be used in both versions 1.75 and 2. The example attached (version 1.75) needs SwingDings which is loaded into the user 1 font and NWC2MusikDingsSans loaded into user 2 font . (There is nothing to say that this font cannot be used in version 1.75 !)In the example, you will see the top staff showing what tremolos look like using the chorded rest method.The next two staffs (layered) show this work around.For completeness, there is a hidden sounding staff.When played, the tremolos in the chorded version go red separately whilst those of this work around play together (a small point I know).This method does not overcome problems such as beamed flags for eighth note (and greater) tremolos but it is a step closer until we have a tremolo function natively within NWC. Quote Selected
Re: Display staff for two note tremolos using layering. Reply #1 – 2007-01-24 02:30 PM Richard - If you wouldn't mind revisiting the subject of two note tremolo: After creating the Layered Staff for the second note, how does one suppress printing of the terminal double bar which cannot be hidden with the "visibility" property. In my case the tremolo occurs at the beginning of a rather long piece and it is somewhat disconcerting to have the ghost image super-imposed whilst arranging.Omar Quote Selected
Re: Display staff for two note tremolos using layering. Reply #2 – 2007-01-24 02:44 PM Omar,Answering form work - so this is from memory - but if you go to the properties for the staff, you can change the final bar line from a closing section one, to an open one (for that matter - other bar types as well).The open one does not show and so achieves what you need..........later.............(And now I'm back at home I can confirm that if you go to Staff / Properties and then the general TAB, there is a box labelled "Ending Bar". Select "Open (Hidden)" from the drop down list.) Quote Selected Last Edit: 2007-01-24 04:45 PM by Richard Woodroffe