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Topic: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface (Read 25356 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

NWC2 Beta 2 includes an experimental mechanism for temporarily changing the notation typeface for a work. Before trying this, you must be using a font that has its own typeface name. It cannot use the same name as the standard NWC2 notation font typeface. Once you have a replacement notation font in mind, you can do the following from within the NWC2 program:

  • Open a file that you want to use with a different notation font

  • Hit Alt+Z on the keyboard

  • Enter the following at the prompt:

    ChangeFileTypeface: <your-typeface>

Replace <your-typeface> with the name of your replacement typeface. It must already be installed in the system, and must be a symbol font that is consistent with the NWC2STDA standard font. When done correctly, you will receive a confirmation of the change. NWC2 will then use this typeface for the active file until the file is closed.

If this experiment works out, we will evaluate the next step, possibly supporting the typeface name, or something similar, in the file.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #1
NWC2 Beta 2 includes an experimental mechanism for temporarily changing the notation typeface for a work.

Thankyou Noteworthy Online!

I have now uploaded modified versions of 2 NWC2 system font replacements.

These fonts are now offline - please see "Reply 13" below for access to current versions

The first is:

http: //

and has an internal name of NWC2SD so the command to use it is:
ChangeFileTypeface: NWC2SD

This font is the same as my original SwingDings replacement for NWC2STDA except that it has a different internal name AND I finally got round to fixing that ugly 0 (zero)

The second font is:

http: //

This is an experminental Sans Serif based font from a suite called MusikDingsSans that I've been working on for a little while.  It draws from a font called FreeSans and has the required glyphs for NWC2 in a similar form.

It's internal name is NWC2MDS so the command to use it is:
ChangeFileTypeface: NWC2MDS

To install these fonts simply copy them into your Windows/Fonts folder.  If there are later updates it will be necessary to first delete these ones before installing the new versions.

Please let us know what you think.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #2
Works like a charm!  Eric, this is a wonderful bonus feature to the latest update.  And thank you Lawrie for your great work on the 2 replacement fonts.  Hopefully, if the experiment is a success, the future command will have a dropdown of available fonts to select from (for us lazy people who have to keep looking up font names and promt commands) and that it will also inspire others to create new fonts (shaped notes, gregorian chant notation, etc.).

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #3
Works beautifully.

Thanks Eric and Lawrie  -

PS Lawrie - get ready for more requests for fonts :-o


Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #4
Thank you Mr. NoteWorthy... and Lawrie too.  This will be great!

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #5
sigh.  I'm in De Pere.  My PC is not.  :-( 

How ever shall I try this on the Mac? :-D

Thanks just the same.. we've been waiting for this feature :-D.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #6
NWC2 Beta 2.01 includes full support for selecting an alternative NWC2 typeface. It can be found in File, Page Setup, Fonts. It is recommended that any alternate NWC2 system font use a typeface name that starts with "NWC2" in its name. User created typefaces should not use the term "STD" immediately following the "NWC2" in the typeface name.

NWC2 Beta 2.01 is available now.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #7
Excuse me for asking but ...

Version 2.01

In the Primary font setup - isn't the print size the wrong way round ?  ie - at the moment, the higher the number, the smaller the print size.

Is this correct ?

Size 4 (the minimum) is huge whilst size 30 is miniscule.
There seems to be a really strange relationship between this size and the size of the lyric font - as if the two are tied together - really wierd.

I believe this is not right.


Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #8
Richard, I suspect that the editor is what is confusing you. When you change the notation print size, other fonts shown in the editor will change size, generally in the opposite direction. This is because the zoom level is not kept constant in the editor. Rather, the size of the notation in the editor is kept constant, so making the staff notation larger will inversely change the other fonts.

We'll look at ways to improve how this is shown in the editor.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #9
Well, perhaps,

But I'm sorry - I still can't get it.
If I go to fonts - and without changing anything else, I select Comic Sans MS for Lyric and I select size 10 (which is a common size (10 or 12 is quite common), then the font comes out as if it were somewhere between 20 - 30.

Are you now saying, that without changing anything else, we can no longer select standard sizes from the font dialogue box ?
To get something normal, you need to select something like 5 or 6 which isn't even in the drop down menu.

I think I need a bit more explaination. ALT z worked great  - but this seems very odd to me .



Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #10
Well part of the problem seems to be that the new default is now 11, whereas it used to be 16.
Setting the print size to 16 (consistent with staff size in points ?) then seems to give the sorts of sizes I would expect for the lyric font.

However, changing the staff size in points before, never used to change the appearance of the lyric font in the editor.
Only in Print preview - and then everything was proportionately changed, not just the lyric font.

I think I will leave this for a while and let a few others play with this functionality to see what they think. Perhaps it's just me.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #11
The default size is unchanged by the addition of typeface. The meaning of the size option is also unchanged. It is the spacing in points from the top to the bottom of a sandard 5 line staff. Using a 10pt size for this would be pretty small.

However, if you are accustom to changing the default Staff Size immediately after starting a new work, then you will see different behaviour with respect to the other font sizes....

However, changing the staff size in points before, never used to change the appearance of the lyric font in the editor.

Previously, changes to the Staff Size setting (in the Options tab) would proportionally change the sizes for all of the fonts in the Fonts tab. This mechanism led to similar oddities when printing, so it was removed from this new scheme. In the new scheme, you set the size of the staff notation independently from the other font sizes, but all on the same tab.

Additional Comment: Also, some might ask why the Staff Print Size is set as the vertical space of the standard 5 line staff, top to bottom, rather than a typical font measurement. This larger measurement yields finer detail when specifying the printed size of a staff.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #12
[glow=red,2,300]You bewdy! [/glow]  Thanks Eric. 

Only trouble is; I'm working flat out at the moment preparing for my holidays, and I won't have any net access while I'm away, for 2 weeks!  :(

A very quick look is most encouraging.

Rich, I haven't time this morning to look at what you're seeing.  Hopefully tonight when I get back... in about 12 or 14 hours :(
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #13
G'day all,
OK.  for those playing with my fonts I've got some new versions and some instructions for y'all.

[glow=red,2,300]IF[/glow] you have already replaced your NWC2STDA with one of my versions then:
  • Open your \Windows\Fonts* folder and delete the NWC2STDA font.
  • Open your \Program Files\Noteworthy Composer 2 folder and copy NWC2STDA.TTF to your \Windows\Fonts* folder

[glow=orange,2,300]IF[/glow] you have already installed one of my recent test versions (NWC2SD or NWC2MDS) then:
  • Open your \Windows\Fonts* folder and delete them

[glow=green,2,300]NOW,[/glow] To use the new versions of my fonts that are designed to work with the new NWC2:
  • Download: http ://
  • Download: http ://
  • Copy the downloaded files to your \Windows\Fonts* folder
  • They will up show as NWC2SwingDings and NWC2MusikDingsSans

*** N.B. the above versions of these fonts are now offline and have been replaced with updates that are available in the zip files of the complete suites***

* - If you are running Windows 2000 or Windows NT this will likely be \WINNT\Fonts

Please Note - it is ALWAYS a very good idea to make "preservation" copies of any file you plan to delete "just in case".  I suggest you do so.

Please advise me of any difficulties you may have in relation to this exercise.  Note that my availability is limited to the next 2 evenings (Australian Eastern Standard Time).  Otherwise you'll have to wait 2 weeks as I will have NO internet access for that period.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #14
I noticed that Eric said:

NWC2 Beta 2.01 includes full support for selecting an alternative NWC2 typeface. It can be found in File, Page Setup, Fonts. It is recommended that any alternate NWC2 system font use a typeface name that starts with "NWC2" in its name. User created typefaces should not use the term "STD" immediately following the "NWC2" in the typeface name.

which implies that any font used must include "NWC2" in its typeface name.

I'm wondering if this new enhancement will eventually lead the way to the use of other commercially produced notation fonts that do not include "NWC2" in their typeface name or if the trend will be towards only user created or modified fonts that do/must include "NWC2" in their typeface name.  If it is the latter, does anyone have any suggestions on good resource materials (font editors, how-to's and tutorial) that someone could use to create typefaces that will be compatible with NWC?

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #15
which implies that any font used must include "NWC2" in its typeface name.

You do not have to use NWC2 in the typeface name. If you don't, it just won't show up in the drop down box. You can still type its name into the edit box, though.

We currently use Fontographer for font editing:

Lawrie indicated to me that he uses Font Creator:

We are considering a switch to Font Creator here.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #16
We'll look at ways to improve how this is shown in the editor.

NWC2 Beta 2.03 is now available. This new release restores the ability to scale all of the text fonts proportionally to Staff Size changes. This mechanism had been removed from previous Beta 2 releases, thus causing some confusion with regard to staff size changes.

In addition, changes to the Staff Size now trigger a corresponding change in the editor view that should be more logical.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #17

I appreciate the response to my query and the suggestions for which font editors to potentially use.  Thanks.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #18
I have not been able to get this feature to work at all. When I hit Alt/z, nothing happens.  I do not get the prompt screen. Any suggestions?

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #19
G'day Fitzclan,
with beta 2.03, the <alt-z> combo is no longer the way...

In page setup on the font tab you now have a "staff metrics" section with a "change" button.  This is where you now change the typeface.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #20
OK Law, I think I've got it. One more question. Is the look of the notes themselves supposed to change at all or just the type and characters such as the clef and time signature. It sounded to me that with the Alt/Z combo, the whole appearance changed like majic. This way, do you have to change each parameter like lyric font, then title text etc...? By the way, nice look. I like it.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #21
G'day fitzclan,
when you change the notation typeface it changes only the staff related features.  Clefs, time sigs., key sigs., flags, rests, note heads (this one is pretty subtle) etc.

The text fonts - staff italic, staff bold, page title text, staff lyric, page text, page small text - need to be changed individually.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #22
OK -I was confusing the Typeface with the text fonts. I was wondering why the tempo and measure #'s weren't changing. Again, nice job! And thanks.

Re: NWC2 Beta 2: Customizing the Notation Font Typeface

Reply #23
G'day all,
for those interested and who may have missed the scripto update a few days ago, there are updates and new releases of my font suites:
  • SwingDings - A matching suite of swing/jazz (handwritten style) fonts
  • MusikDingsSerif - A matching suite of serif fonts
  • MusikDingsSans - A matching suite of sans serif fonts

Each suite contain:
  • An alternative NWC2 notation typeface
  • A matching symbol font in the same vein as Boxmarks
  • A text font with additional glyphs for making boxes and over/under lines etc.
  • A text font with 'euro' characters
  • A chord font to make text chord construction much easier
  • A replacement for the NWC1 notation typeface
  • There is also an extensive instruction document with glyph to character and '<Alt>' code tables

There is also a "late breaking" update for users of SwingDings.  If you downloaded SwingDings before this update appeared then you should download the update.  If you downloaded SwingDings after the update appeared then it is already included in the zip you downloaded:


Download links are available from the scripto:

Thankyou to everyone who has shown interest in this project, those who have contributed bug reports and suggestions, and those who are using the fonts.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.