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Topic: A note for jazzy songs (Read 18540 times) previous topic - next topic

A note for jazzy songs

For the people who are not used to jazzy songs, we often put a note at the top of the music that tells 'two eighths equal to the triplet of a quarter and a eighth'.
I don't think this can be done with using NWCV15 font.
But if you use Robert A's MusiSync, it's quite easy to do this.
Insert the text with this font as;
[n][space][=][space][alt 0188]

Thanks Robert A.

Re: A note for jazzy songs

Reply #1
G'day Yoshikazu,
I agree, much thanks are due to Robert A.  He has provided many useful fonts and insights to this forum.  My personal favourite is "FretQuik".

Now, at the risk of sounding like I'm blowing my own trumpet (trombone actually  :)  I'd like to draw attention to the font suite I've recently released called "SwingDings".

Available via the scripto: (Robert also has several fonts available from the scripto on the same page)

It has the 'two eighths equal to the triplet of a quarter and an eighth' in brackets at chr <alt 0161> AND 'two eighths & dotted eighth plus sixteenth equal to the triplet of a quarter and an eighth' in brackets at chr <alt 0181>

There is also a whole bunch of other things in the suite which is designed to make jazz/swing charts look more "realistic".   More info is available on the scripto. 

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: A note for jazzy songs

Reply #2
Hi Lawrie

Wow, great! I didn't know this 'note' is already in SwingDings.
It's much easier, and the hand written taste is good.
I'll try to take advantage of it.
Thanks for your contribution Lawrie.



Re: A note for jazzy songs

Reply #3
Thx Lawrie for having done that too :)

More over, if you want to hear swing at play time, there are several solutions (or tips) on the NWC web site.
If you find it useful, I can make a php version of the tool I did for computing tempo changes and provide it as a php user tool within NWC(2 only) instead of the web page as it is now.

Just ask ( :)