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Topic: Crash (Read 6203 times) previous topic - next topic


I'm now using NWC2 Beta 1 Update 1, but it just crashed.  It's more likely to be my system than NWC2, but I thought I should post the info in case it needs to be looked into.

I was copying sections of one staff to another.  NWC2 gave an error message something like Virtual System Called, then NWC2 crashed. 

The copied section was 10 bars of headless stemless notes, some text, and some hidden bar lines and hidden rests, a 10 bar mulitbar rest.  The score is 18 staffs x 119 bars.  I'm using LP's versions of the standard fonts.

It may be a memory problem, because I had done probably 20 of 30 edits since the previous save, and I had 4 or 5 other programs running in the foreground.

System - Windows XP Professional on a pc clone, Monitor = 19" flat screen.


Re: Crash

Reply #1
I'm now using NWC2 Beta 1 Update 1, but it just crashed. System - Windows XP Professional on a pc clone, Monitor = 19" flat screen.
I'd blame the monitor. Big cuts and pastes update a lot of pixels. <g>
Registered user since 1996

Re: Crash

Reply #2
Do you have the exact error message? Do you have the clip text that caused the problem?

Re: Crash

Reply #3
I have a reproducible problem (sort of crash)

Windows XP SP2, HP  Compaq nx9010 laptop w 1 GB of memory. Latest BETA of NWC2

Events as follows:

Copy entire staff (HOME, Shift END), to clipboard and then to Notepad
Edit in Notepad, copy to clipboard CTRL/A CTRL/C
Paste to NWC2 (selection on Staff is still active)

Following error dialog appears:

Dialog Title: Exception Detected
Dialog text: ACCESS_VIOLATION in modue unknown
A serious problem has been detected. This is a sign of system instability. It is recommended taht you save your work as soon as possible.
OK to resume (YES/NO buttons)

Pressing NO, NWC2 exits
Pressing YES, NWC2 continues and all appears normal (paste has succeeded)

Clip follows:
Code: [Select · Download]


Wilm Boerhout

Re: Crash

Reply #4
Does this clip crash for you when copied directly from your post? I don't get a crash (at least not yet).

Re: Crash

Reply #5
Does this clip crash for you when copied directly from your post? I don't get a crash (at least not yet).

Is does not matter. What seems to be the trigger is to have a selection active on a staff, and copying/replacing with CTRL/V. It then crashes predictably.

I tried it though:

When I paste into a new staff (whether copied from the post or copied from notepad) it does not crash.

When I paste into the same staff, not replacing (i.e. HOME, SHIFT END, CTRL/C, END, CTRL/V) it does not crash

Wilm Boerhout

Re: Crash

Reply #6
Confirmed. Fix will appear in Beta 1 Update 2.

Thanks. That is what I needed. I can't make it happen every time, but I am able to reproduce it on occasion.

I suspect that this is exactly what caused David's problem too.

Re: Crash

Reply #7
OK, maybe you can remove the references to the crash from the UnJazzify thread. That clutters up the issue there. I will remove my entry.

Wilm Boerhout

Re: Crash

Reply #8
Do you have the exact error message? Do you have the clip text that caused the problem?

Sorry, Eric, I didn't think to take a screen shot.  The error message was one I've never seen before, and the crash happened so fast I didn't get a chance to copy it out by hand either.

I do use Ctrl C and Ctrl V for most of my copying, and that's what I was using at the time.

This was likely the clip I was copying, from one instrumental part to another.  The user font is Lawrie Pardy's SwingDings. 

|Text|Text:"           ÂÃÃÃÄ          "|Font:User5|Pos:-3|Wide:Y|Justify:Center|Placement:AtNextNote

(With modifications Lawrie made to his font since I posted my message, there's a better way to make the MBR,  but this is likely what I was using when the crash happened.)

Re: Crash

Reply #9
Thanks for the reports.

The problem has been found and an update that includes the fix will be available shortly.