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Topic: A Bit of Fun (Read 18215 times) previous topic - next topic

A Bit of Fun

I fired this challenge off a while ago on the newsgroup - but no-one took me up on it.

Did you know that as well as being a darn good piece of music software, NoteWorthy Composer version 2 is also a drawing editor.
Here's my attempt - anybody else ?


Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #1
Very interesting Rich.  Never been much of an artist myself.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #3
Thank you for that very cool looking April Fool!  Incidently, your artwork also is a perfect demonstration of how not WYSIWYG the editor is.  The Joker absolutely falls apart in print preview.
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #4
So it does ! Didn't notice that before. Good spot.
Looks like a function of Drawing the curves is slightly different for print than for the editor.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #5
Just_for_fun.nwc  looks the same in Preview for me. Is there another submission that I missed?


Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #6
They're similar, Frank, but if you look closely, you'll see the arch of the top of the head is different.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #7
And look where the arch from the head meets the arch from the chin. A big gap on the right hand side.


Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #8
Hi again Rich.  Just wondering, have you tried "playing" your picture?  Very interesting mish-mash of chords there - LoL.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #9
Yeah I have - bit weird really.
Don't think I could have drawn and also been musically correct as well - lol

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #10
You could mute them all and add an [glow=red,2,300]hidden[/glow] musical invisible staff

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #11
This could be your "super" challenge.  Make a picture that plays an actual tune as well.  Ouch, that gives me a headache just thinking about it.  LOL


Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #13
Not quite what shadow 35 had in mind !  LOL

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #14
Even more Fun, I made a Perfect Pitch Trainer!!!!! Tell me if it could work!!! Look at each part.
Part A - Studying The Pitches
Part B - Guessing The Pitches
Part C - Singing The Pitches

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #15
Maybe I should Submit that in The Scripto under Helpful Files.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #16
Yes, It's an Hour long, Maybe it should be played on a headphone set while you are asleep and you will wake up with Perfect Pitch!!!!

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #17
Could you make a version for NWC1.75b?

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #18
I don't know how to do that. I know how to make a NWC1.75 to NWC2, just save it in there.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #19
You could export to MIDI from NWC 2 and import back into NWC1 but it would probably be quicker to just rekey it since MIDI doesn't understand repeats...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #20
K.A.T., You have the CD, don't you, you can become eligible for it.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #21
As Richard said, not quite what I had in mind.  Anyone can just put in a hidden score with a song in it.  I meant to actually draw a picture with the song actually USING the graphics for the song AND the picture.

Re: A Bit of Fun

Reply #22
Wow, another one where the new icon didn't show up...

No, I don't have the CD.
I purchased way back when it was on floppy (v1.5), and have always upgraded on line.