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Topic: Additional features for a rehearsal tool (Read 9799 times) previous topic - next topic

Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Is there a way to get a count-down before starting to play? I am in a choir that is NWC as a rehearsal aid to fill in the full accompaniment. Often, we are picking up in the middle of movements, etc. The biggest challenge is getting everyone together when we start playback because the computer can't see conductor.

Can an option be added to do a 1 measure metronome tick before starting playback?

A second useful feature would be a global slow-down of the tempo. The pieces we are learning have several tempo changes during the movement. When learning it, it is useful to slow down the tempo, but we have to keep remembering to change all the tempo changes by different amounts. A global setting to change the all the tempos by a percentage would be helpful.

Now, only if we could get the computer to watch the conductor on the fermatas!

Cheers ... MAW

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #1
There is a timer that you can configure before play back starts (see Tools, Options, Midi, Start Countdown). No audio feedback is provided during the countdown. There is a small visual indicator in the Status Bar, though.

Global tempo modifications is a common wish, so you might eventually see this integrated into the program. For now, if you keep your tempo changes in one staff (a very good idea), a user tool could be written to manipulate the tempos.


Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #2
I'm sure this is obvious to Noteworthy experts, but for a noob like me, I needed more guidance.  Here's how I add a "countdown" or "metronome" at the beginning of a piece:
1 - add a leading measure of rest to my original Noteworthy file
2 - add an additional staff: Staff - New Staff
3 - in new staff change default playback device:
...Staff - Staff Properties,
...Tab: Midi,
...Changed Channel to: 10 (default was 2)
start out with the bass clef in the new staff and try out different "notes" to find a percussive sound that you like. 
4 - in new staff in 1st measure I usually use: D,C,D,C at the beginning of a 4/4 piece.

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #3
Quote from Noteworthy online:
a user tool could be written to manipulate the tempos

If you run the user tool 'Global Modification' with "help"  as input, you can see an examaple to change the tempo by a certain %.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #4
There's a file called "drumref.nwc" in the Samples file folder that can help you find specific percussion sounds if you tire of the hunt'n'peck method.

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #5
A ... useful feature would be a global slow-down of the tempo. The pieces we are learning have several tempo changes during the movement. When learning it, it is useful to slow down the tempo, but we have to keep remembering to change all the tempo changes by different amounts. A global setting to change the all the tempos by a percentage would be helpful.

This website works with clipboard data from the staff (please keep ALL tempo changes on just one staff): TempoChange.html.  You can either provide its current duration and requested duration in minutes and seconds or provide a factor.  Because of round off error you might want to save the modified file under a different name.

I thought that was ready to run but I got some strange things happening when I tried to test it.

When entering the factor or time, I had started the process when that data were changed but someone has to know to press the TAB key to make that happen.  When they clicked Submit on whatever line they used, the code was run twice.  Now it won't be necessary to enter 1.4142 to double the tempo, but the appropriate Submit button must be clicked.
Since 1998

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #6
Borrowing from another program,
something similar as shown on the attachment,
would be welcome in both NWC and the viewer.
(Especially if one could hide these tools when not required)

Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #7

Don't know if you have kept up to date with recent developments in the viewer but there is a global change for tempo.
It's achieved by ALT and - to decrease, ALT and  + to increase and ALT and = to bring up a box to set a percentage of tempo.


Re: Additional features for a rehearsal tool

Reply #8
Thanks, I do have the latest version of the viewer installed.

My preference would be for the "Tempo Adjust" facility (for up / down) to be directly visible,
in NWC as well as the viewer.
With the option to hide it, should the user so wish.

i.e. displayed similarly as for the volume control.