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Topic: Position Descriptions (Read 14319 times) previous topic - next topic

Position Descriptions

I'm just curious.  When I look at the membership list, I see several position descriptions.  What constitutes a "Registered User" versus a "NWC Virtuoso"?  I also see "Admin" (which is pretty self-explanatory) and "NWC User" for one user (who has not posted).


- John
(who is happy to be just a registered user, but have been registered since about NWC Version 1.20)


Re: Position Descriptions

Reply #1

Glad I'm not the only one who was wondering the same thing.  Ditto on the long time registered user of NCW.

Re: Position Descriptions

Reply #2
I can't even find the place where you can change your "position".  Or is it that "registered guests" can't do it? :-(

Re: Position Descriptions

Reply #3
The virtuoso users that you see are a result of the import from our older user authentication system.  This system was used during early NWC2 development, as well as for authors of NWC1 user tips.

We are currently experimenting with a mechanism for users to promote themselves to the NWC User group.