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Topic: Exporting files (Read 6026 times) previous topic - next topic

Exporting files

I am using version 2 and when I try to export nwc files to midi format thery lose tempo and volume settings. There is no option in save as to save as a midi file. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Re: Exporting files

Reply #1
Terry, sorry that nobody has replied in two days, but you seem to be experiencing a problem that others aren't having (at least, not me). Are you using the menu Insert > Tempo and Insert > Dynamic? (As opposed to just writing them in as text, which has no audible effect.)

Under File > Page Setup > Contents tab, do you have a hidden staff? Are the tempos and dynamics on that staff? Actually, I believe it plays either way ... but I'm not sure.

"Save as MIDI" is not a choice in NWC2 because a MIDI file contains less information that the original *.nwc file. In the hopes of avoiding confusion, "Export" is offered, so that the user understands that the MIDI files not just the *.nwc file in a different format. (NWC1.75 uses "Save As," but that's been edited.)

Under some circumstances, some media players get confused. I don't know why. It is not always repeatable. If your MIDI file did not play properly, try it some other time.

Re: Exporting files

Reply #2
How are you confirming the loss of tempo and volume settings in the exported MIDI file?


Re: Exporting files

Reply #3
Look in your windows folder for mplayer.exe

Try it. I've found that the graphics overhead from the fancy players gets in the way of the sound.

It is also the easiest way to mark a short passage and loop it.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Exporting files

Reply #4
Thanks for all the feedback, my PC had a major crash (down the stairs as it happens), fortunately when I recoverd the hard drive it was undamaged. Having copied everything onto a new drive the problem has dissappeared, all I can assume is that there was a glitch with the media player I was using.